[FuldtNavn]s anerChr. Krogsgård

Johanne Christensdatter



Kvinde Johanne Christensdatter

                    Født: 1776 - Hjøring Ingstrup 1740 - 1813 O 101 v.
                     Dåb: 25 Feb. 1776


Niels Christensen og Johanne Christensdatter

Mand Niels Christensen


Kvinde Johanne Christensdatter


1 M Peder Nielsen

                    Født: 1728 - Hjørring Saltum 1686 - 1771 O  106 v.
                     Dåb: 31 Okt. 1728
       Ægtefælle/partner: Margrethe Pedersdatter (1734-1794)
                  Ægtesk: 15 Nov. 1771 - Hjøring Saltum 1768 - 1810  O 28 v.

Mathias Vallentinsen og Johanne Christensdatter

Mand Mathias Vallentinsen

                    Født: 19 Jul. 1794 - Hjørring Hvetbo Saltum 1768 - 1810 O 103 h  Øverst.
                     Død: 5 Jun. 1874 - Hjørring Hvetbo Saltum  1872 - 1882 O 207 Nr. 10.
               Dødsårsag: Hjørring Hvetbo Saltum 1872 - 1882 O. 207 nr. 10
                Begravet: 12 Jun. 1874

                     Far: Vallentin Mathiasen   Bødker (1732-1807)
                     Mor: Anne Pedersdatter (1765-1801)

                Ægteskab: 23 Nov. 1819 - Hjørring Hvetbo Saltum 1813 - 1830 O 131 Nr. 48.


• Folketælling: 1801, Hjørring Saltum O 17 matr. nr. 17 f.

• Folketælling: 1834, Hjørring Saltum O 13 nr. 101 et huus.

• Folketælling: 1845, Hjørring Hvetbo Saltum 1845 O 24 Nr. 116.

• Folketælling: 1850, Hjøring Saltum O 33 - 100 et huus.

• Folketælling: 1855, Hjøring Saltum O 5 nr. 26 et huus.

• Folketælling: 1860, Hjøring Saltum O 17 et huus 24.

• Folketælling: 1870, Hjøring Saltum O 7 - 1 hus.

Kvinde Johanne Christensdatter

                    Født: 1792 - Hjørring Ingstrup 1740 - 1813 O 136 nederst th.
                     Dåb: 11 Nov. 1792
                     Død: 23 Apr. 1844 - Hjørring Hvetbo Saltum 1842 - 1851 O 152 Nr. 7.
                Begravet: 28 Apr. 1844 - 51 År.

                     Far: Christen Sørensen (      -      )
                     Mor: Johanne Madsdatter (1751-      )


• Folketælling: 1801, Hjørring Hvetbo Ingstrup O 6 Nr. 22.

• Folketælling: 1834, Hjørring Saltum O 13 nr. 101 et huus.

1 K Ane Mathiasdatter

                    Født: 2 Apr. 1820 - Hjørring Hvetbo Saltum 1813 - 1830 O 73  Nr. 107.
                     Dåb: 3 Apr. 1820
                     Død: 10 Mar. 1896 - Hjørring Hvetbo Saltum 1892 - 1902 O 181 Nr. 3.
                Begravet: 17 Mar. 1896
       Ægtefælle/partner: Søren Jensen (1816-1874)
                  Ægtesk: 23 Feb. 1844 - Hjørring Hvetbo Saltum 1842 - 1851 O 91 Nr.4.

Notater: Mand - Mathias Vallentinsen

1768 - 1810 Saltum O. 195 19/07/1794 Mathias Vallentinsen søn af Vallentin Mathisen og Anne Pedersdatter i Faarup fadd. Jens Terkildsens kone Johanne Pedersdatter, Jens Degn, Peder Brøslev, Niels Pedersen fra Ejersted.

Lægdsrulle: Hjørring; 1809 F; Hovedrulle; 46; ; - Hjørring 1809; F; Hovedrulle 83; O 209 Gammel nr. 101 ny nr. 79 14 år. Opholdssted Faarup.
1812 J; Hovedrulle; 83 O 233. Streget 17 år 63. L. 107

Hjørring Hvetbo Saltum 1813 - 1830 O. 131 nr. 48. 23/11/1819 Viedes ungk. Mathias Vallentinsen af Ejersted 27 aar og pigen Johanne Christensdatter af Ejersted 22 aar gl. forl. Niels Pedersen i Ejersted, Søren Christensen ibi.

Hjørring Hvetbo Saltum 1872 - 1882 O. 207 nr. 10. 05/06/1874 dør Mathias Vallentinsen gift aftægtsmand i Faarup f. 19/07/1794 80 aar gl. faderen Vallentin Mathisen Bødker.


Notater: Kvinde - Johanne Christensdatter

RYGTE Hun skal være født i en jordhule i Ejersted eller Ingstrup, moderen var aldrig gift men havde flere børn med forskellige fædre, er det rigtigt ?, hun er ikke fundet født i Saltum eller Ingstrup, ved bryllup står der fra Ejersted.

Skifte ???

Johanne Christensdatter nr. 70 - 108 ?


Notater: Ægteskab (Johanne Christensdatter):


Generelle notater: Børn - Ane Mathiasdatter



Skifte efter Ane Mathiesdatter

Aar 1897 den 10 februar form kl. 10 blev Hvetbo herreds skifteret
sat paa Herredskontoret og administreret af den ordinære skifteforvalter i overvæ-
relse af neden lignede vidner, hvor da paany
foretsges skifte ipost efter den d. 10 marts 1896 afdøde aftægtsenke
Ane Mathiasdatter af Krogsgaard og tidligere, den 14 ju-
ni 1874 afdøde ægtefælle, Søren Jensen, efter hvem hun
havde hensiddet i uskiftet bo. -
Mødt var 1: gmd Jens Jacobsen .N. Saltum med sine to børn 2: Søren Jensen og 3 : Maren
Jensen Jacobsen, 4 : gmd Anton Christensen af Krogsgaard, siden sidst skiftesamling
gift med Marie Sørensen, 5: Christen Larsen af Alstrup og 6 : Boelsmand Peder Chr.
Sørensen af Stride. -
Skifteforvalteren meddelte de mødte hvad der i boet er passeret siden
skiftesamlingen den 18 marts 1896, nemlig : at Ole Anreas Therkildsen havde
indbetalt sin skyld til boet med 200 kr. , at Anders Jacobsen havde indfriet
sin gjæld til boet ifølge panteobligation,stor 1000 kr. , at der til enken Marie Sørensen
var udbetalt begravelsesomkostninger i alt 89-41 øre, kvitering fremlagdes, og at
Jens Martinus Sørensen havde medtaget sit tilgodehavende 60- kr kvitering
Da ingen af de mødte havde yderligere at bemærke inden boet sluttes,
blev dette optaget til slutning og i samme foretaget saadan


Kontant forefantes ved registrereigen 50. 00 kr.
salgssummen for boets løsøre, jfr. Skifteanml. d. 18/3 96 38. 50 -
Ole Andreas Therkildsens Skyld i boet 200. 00 -
Anders Jacobsen --- do --- 1000. 00 -
indvundne renter under boets behandling 41. 33 -
Ialt indtægt : = 1329 \endash 83 ø.

Begravelsesomkostninger \endash jfr. Ovenfor 89, 41 ør
Jens Martinus Sørensens tilgodehavende 60, 99 -
149. 41
Beholdning : = 1180. 42 ør.

Skifteomkostninger ( arv og gjæld vedgaaet )
1/3 % af formuenaisen ( 1350 ) 4. 50 ør
1/2 % af den beholdne formue ( 1200 ) 6. 00 -
Registreringsforretningen 8. 00 -
Vidnegebyr 12. 00 -
Skifterettens udlæg til boets, tilsigelse m v. 7. 67 -
38.17 -
Til arv : 1142. 25 ør.
Hvoraf svares arveafgift 1 % 11. 42 ør.
Samt arveafgift, ligeledes 1 %, af den Ane Mathias-
datter i sin tid efter sin mand tilfaldne
broderslod 1/4 af 572. 12 ør = 142. 75 ør 1. 42
12. 84 -
til deling 1129. 41 ør.
Der uddeles saaledes, nemlig til
1.datteren Maren Sørensen, død, hendes børn:
a: Søren Jensen Jacobsen \endash N. Saltum 21 aar 70. 59 ø
b: Maren Jensen --- " --- --- " --- 20 \endash 70. 59 ø
c: Christine Jensen - " - - " - født 11/4 1880 70. 59 ø
d: Ane Cathrine Jensen --"-- -"- 22/6 1882 70. 59 ø
2.gmd Anton Christensen Krogsgaard som gift
med datteren Marie Sørensen 282. 35 -
3.Christen Larsen \endash Alstrup g. m. Johanne Cathrine Sørensen 282. 35 -
4.Bend Peder Chr. Sørensen \endash Stride 282. 35 -
Arvesummerne udbetales kontant saaledes No 1 til de paagjæl
dende med kurator \endash deres fader Jens Jacobsen. No 1 til nævnte Jens Jacob-
sens søns værge nr. 2 \endash 3 - 4 \endash til paagjældende personlig og tjener samøtliges
underskrift i dag tillige som kvitering herfor.
Med opgjørelsenog skiftebehandlingen i det hele erklærede samtlige
de mødte sig tilfredse. Boet sluttett. Opl. Vedt.
Underskrevet af :
Søren Jensen Jacobsen
Anton Kristensen
Peder Chr. Sørensen
Chr. Larsen
Maren Jensen Jacobsen
Jens Jacobsen
E. Smith
N. Rilpen

På den næste sideer der et andet skifte der er en smule anderledes se her :

Aar 1896 den 28 marts form kl. 11 blev Hveetbo herreds skifteret sat paa herredskontoret i Pandrup og administreret af den ordinære skifteforvalter i overværelse af nedentegnede vidner hvor de foretages paany skifte efter den d. 10/3 1896 afdøde Ane Mathiasdatter af Krogsgaard
fremlagde en fra Marie Sørensen \endash Krogsgaard modtaget skrivelse af d. d. bilage med 6 stk. kviterede regninger eng begravelsesudgifter \endash regningernes samlede beløb udgjør 65-41 Øm ? Samtlige regninger godkjendtes af skifteretten og udbetales nævnte beløb til Marie Sørensen
Port udist ?
( ang. de i 18 95/96 indkomne arveanmeldeldelser - se pag 618.

Det omtalte på pag 618 har jeg ikke fundet. Chr.


Peder Thomas Christian Thomsen og Johanne Christensdatter

Mand Peder Thomas Christian Thomsen


Kvinde Johanne Christensdatter


1 K Mette Marie Thomsen

                    Født: 17 Jun. 1852 - Hjørring Vrensted 1850 - 1864 O 47 nr. 6.
                     Dåb: 28 Nov. 1852
       Ægtefælle/partner: Anthon Pedersen (1848-      )
                  Ægtesk: 29 Dec. 1875 - Hjørring Vrendsted 1862 - 1886 O 265 nr. 5.

Niels Sørensen og Johanne Christensdatter

Mand Niels Sørensen


Kvinde Johanne Christensdatter


1 K Maren Nielsdatter

                    Født: 13 Maj 1787 - Hjøring Vrensted 1761 - 1792 O 38 h.
                     Dåb: 10 Jun. 1787
       Ægtefælle/partner: Niels Michelsen (1770-1846)
                  Ægtesk: 31 Mar. 1821 - Hjørring Ingstrup 1814 - 1840  O 158 nr. 44.

Søren Christensen og Johanne Christensdatter

Mand Søren Christensen

                    Født: 1795 - Hjøring Ingstrup 1740 - 1813 O 143 ø-v.
                     Dåb: 10 Maj 1795
                     Død: 25 Okt. 1850 - Hjøring Hjermeslev 1815 - 1857 O 157 h. nr. 1.
                Begravet: 3 Nov. 1850 - 66 ½ År.    Ubekient aarsag.

                     Far: Christen Sørensen (1760-1846)
                     Mor: Inger Steffensdatter (1764-1841)

                Ægteskab: 18 Okt. 1822 - Hjøring Vrensted 1815 - 1832 O 131 nr. 7.


• Folketælling: 1801, Hjøring Ingstrup O 13 Brøslef 1" familie.

• Folketælling: 1834, Vester Hjermeslev O 2 nr. 6. Myrthue en gaard.

• Folketælling: 1850, Vester Hjermeslev O 11 nr. 60. en gaard Myrtue.

Kvinde Johanne Christensdatter

                    Født: 1796 - Hjøring Vrensted 1793 - 1820 O 14 nr. 1.
                     Dåb: 8 Jan. 1797
                     Død: 10 Feb. 1875 - Hjøring Hjermeslev 1854 - 1891  O 236 nr. 1.
                Begravet: 19 Feb. 1875 - 79 År.

                     Far: Christen Olsen (1766-1828)
                     Mor: Methe Hansdatter (1764-      )


• Folketælling: 1801, Hjøring Vrensted O 4 - 10" familie.

• Folketælling: 1834, Vester Hjermeslev O 2 nr. 6. Myrthue en gaard.

• Folketælling: 1850, Vester Hjermeslev O 11 nr. 60. en gaard Myrtue.

1 K Inger Marie Sørensdatter

                    Født: 5 Okt. 1823 - Hjørring Jetsmark 1815 - 1830 O 57 nr.11.
                     Dåb: 5 Okt. 1823

2 M Jens Christian Sørensen

                    Født: 11 Sep. 1826 - Hjøring Jetsmark 1815 - 1830 O 26 nr. 18.
                     Dåb: 12 Sep. 1826

3 M Niels Christian Sørensen

                    Født: 16 Sep. 1828 - Hjøring Hjermeslev 1815 - 1857 O 20 nr. 86.
                     Dåb: 28 Sep. 1828

4 M Ole Christian Sørensen

                    Født: 13 Mar. 1831 - Hjøring Hjermeslev 1815 - 1857 O 24 nr. 102.
                     Dåb: 3 Apr. 1831
       Ægtefælle/partner: Dorthe Marie Peder Christiansdatter (1832-      )

5 K Mette Cathrine Sørensdatter

          Også kendt som: Myrthue
                    Født: 20 Feb. 1833 - Hjørring  Hjermeslev 1815 - 1857 O 68  nr. 98.
                     Dåb: 17 Mar. 1833
       Ægtefælle/partner: Peder Willads Willadsen (1828-1906)
                  Ægtesk: 23 Nov. 1855 - Hjøring Hjermeslev 1854 - 1891 O 159 nr.7.

6 K Elsine Dorthea Sørensdatter

                    Født: 6 Mar. 1835 - Hjøring Hjermeslev 1815 - 1857 O 71 nr. 113.
                     Dåb: 16 Apr. 1835

7 K Ane Marie Sørensdatter

                    Født: 30 Nov. 1839 - Hjøring Hjermeslev 1815 - 1857 O 75 nr. 134.
                     Dåb: 8 Dec. 1839

8 M Andreas Sørensen ( Myrtue )

                    Født: 4 Apr. 1841 - Hjøring Hjermeslev 1815 - 1857 O 36 nr. 160.
                     Dåb: 25 Jun. 1841
                     Død: 1924 - USA Iowa Harlan
       Ægtefælle/partner: Zidsel Kirstine Andersdatter (1839-1913)

Notater: Mand - Søren Christensen

ArkivskaberSørensen. Niels, Myrtue, Ingstrup
BeskrivelseNiels Sørensen
Myrtue, Ingstrup
Se på kort
TypeSogn (1000-2050)
EnhedIngstrup Sogn (1000-2050)
ArkivEgnssamlingen, Saltum
Yderligere indhold
Fold alt ind
1 2003 Slægtsoplysninger omkring Myrtuegaard, V. Hjermitslev fra USA
1780 E salgsdokument angående jordstykke fra
Christen Pedersen, Nest til Niels
Sørensen Myrtue, V.Hjermitslev

Generelle notater: Børn - Jens Christian Sørensen


Generelle notater: Børn - Niels Christian Sørensen

Hjøring Hjermeslev 1815 - 1857 O 150 h. 27 ½ år 1856 flytter fra Søren Myrtue til Dahl i Bundgaard i Jetsmark. 1 maj 1856.

Generelle notater: Børn - Ane Marie Sørensdatter

Er ikke fundet død men er ikke med i folketællingen 1845.
Hjøring Jetsmark O 14 nr. 61 en gaard.

Generelle notater: Børn - Andreas Sørensen ( Myrtue )


Se billedet.

Medalje 1864.


For more information about our Danish ancestors, see pages 209-214 in Reference 926, and pages
18-28 in Reference 1123. Because of the ongoing digitizing and posting of original records to the
Internet, some of the citations in References 926 and 1123 have been revisited in their original form and
primary citations provided. The author is deeply indebted to the genealogical research done by Gerda
Jensen (Ref. 36v) a Danish cousin who maintained Reference 560 and now maintains Reference 1218.
Whereas the majority of this book is organized using family surname chapters, this chapter on Danish
Ancestors is organized using the Ahnentafel Numbering System.
PEDER CHRISTENSEN THYBOE (Generation XI, 1 1274). THYBOE may be a farm name.
PEDER lived in Saltum Parish, Hvetbo District, Aalborghus County (Hjørring County after 1793),
Denmark. An Internet website states that PEDER married probably before 1650, SIGNE
NIELSDATTER (1 1275). We know few other details about PEDER's life, but he was buried in
Saltum Parish 25 August 1681 (Ref. 1217fi); no age at his death was stated. PEDER and SIGNE had
three known children, all born in Saltum Parish (Ref. 1218): (References 1217fi and 1218)
1) Christen Pedersen Thyboe, born about 1650
2) Niels Pedersen Thyboe, born about 1652
3) INGER PEDERSDATTER THYBOE (1 637), see below
INGER NIELSDATTER (Generation XI, 1 1273). Some Internet sources state, without
documentation, that her father was NIELS LAUERSEN DARK (1 2546?), but I have not
independently verified this. Based upon her stated age of eighty-eight at her death in 1697, INGER may
have been born about 1609. INGER married, about 1688, CHRISTEN RÆF (1 1272)(Ref. 1218).
INGER died at Faarup (now Fårup), Saltum Parish, Hvetbo District, Aalborghus County (now Hjørring
County after 1793)), and was buried at Saltum Parish 30 December 1697 at a stated age of eighty-eight;
she was listed in the burial register as INGER RÆF (Ref. 1217fj). (Reference 1217fj)

CHRISTEN CHRISTENSEN RÆF (Generation XI, 1 1272). Based upon his stated age of seventy-
nine at his death in 1686, he may have been born about 1607. CHRISTEN RÆF married, probably

before 1640, INGER NIELSDATTER (1 1273)(Ref. 1218). They lived at Faarup (now Fårup), Saltum
Parish, Hvetbo District, Aalborghus County (Hjørring County after 1793), Denmark. CHRISTEN died
in Faarup, and was buried 26 August 1686 at a stated age of seventy-nine (Ref. 1217fh) CHRISTEN
and INGER had seven known children: (References 1217fh and 1218)
1) Christen Christensen Ræf, born about 1640; died about 1662
2) Niels Christensen Ræf, born about 1645; died about 1716
3) Margrethe Christensdatter Ræf, born about 1647
4) Søren Christensen Ræf, born about 1651; died about 1684; married 1st

Mette Mathiesdatter,

Karen Andersdatter
5) MADS CHRISTENSEN RÆF (1 636), see below
6) Jens Christensen Ræf (twin to MADS), baptized 15 Trinity 1653 - see Footnote 23;
died about 1697; married Maren Hansdatter
7) Laurs Christensen Ræf, baptized 12 post Trinity
1656 - see Footnote 23 (Ref. 1217fp);

buried 1 April 1660
DORETHE PEDERSDATTER (Generation XI, 1 1235). Reference 1218 states that DORETHE was
born 1619 in Børglum Parish, Børglum District, Aalborghus County (Hjørring County after 1793). She

Using the calculator discussed in Footnote 23, Trinity occurred on 1 June 1656, so "12 post Trinity 1656" calculates
as 13 June 1656.


married (first), probably before 1641, JØRGEN HANSEN (1 1234). Reference 1218 stated that she
died in Børglum Parish in 1687. There is an entry in the Børglum Parish records (Ref. 1217fs) that is
probably our DORETHE: the record is dated "2 Advent 1688"
(see Footnote 23), and the name shown
is DO___THE PED_____ . The record page is badly torn and stained and no more information is
available. DORETHE outlived JØRGEN by thirty-four years, and with five minor children, the
youngest of whom (MAREN) was only age two at JØRGEN's death. Therefore it is likely that she
remarried as soon as possible. DORETHE married (second), in August 1658 in Børglum Parish, Knud
Pedersen (Ref. 1217ft). (References 1217fs, 1217ft, and 1218)
JØRGEN HANSEN (Generation XI, 1 1234). Based upon his stated age of fifty at his death in 1654,
JØRGEN may have been born about 1604; Reference 1218 stated that he was born in Børglum Parish;
the records of Børglum Parish are not extant prior to 1646. The English equivalent of the Danish given
name Jørgen is George, the German equivalent is Jürgen. JØRGEN married, probably before 1641,
DORETHE PEDERSDATTER (1 1235). JØRGEN was buried 27 January 1654 at Børglum Parish at
a stated age of fifty (Ref. 1217fr). JØRGEN and DORETHE had five known children: (References
1217fr and 1218)
1) Jacob Jørgensen, born 1641
2) Thomas Jørgensen, born 1643
3) Mathias Jørgensen, born April 1646
4) Peder Jørgensen, born January 1649
5) MAREN JØRGENSDATTER 1 617, see below
JEP(PE) ANDERSEN (Generation XI, 1 1216) lived at Faarup (now Fårup), Saltum Parish, Hvetbo
District, (now Hjørring County). JEP is a shortened form of JEPPE, and JEPPE is the diminutive form
of JAKOB. IB is also a diminutive form of JAKOB and appears to be used interchangeably with JEP;
note that his children were baptized using a surname beginning with "Ib". Some Internet sources that
JEP was born about 1620, but since the parish records for Saltum Parish are not extant prior to 1646, we
cannot be sure of this fact. JEP married ANNE JENSDATTER (1 1217). JEP died in Fårup and was
buried at Saltum Parish in 1672 (day and month not specified)(Ref. 1217fv). JEP and ANNE had seven
known children, all baptized at Saltum - in most cases the day and month were not provided on the
baptism records: (Reference 1217fv)
1) Johan Ibsen, baptized 1652 (Ref. 1217fw)
2) Karen Ibsdatter, baptized 1657 (Ref. 1217fx)
3) PEDER IBSEN (1 608), see below
4) Anders Ibsen, baptized 1660 (Ref. 1217fy)
5) Margrete Ibsdatter, baptized 1664 (Ref. 1217fz)
6) Christen Ibsen, baptized 1666 (Ref. 1217ga)
7) Inge Ibsdatter, twin to Christen, baptized 1666 (Ref. 1217ga)
NIELS CHRISTENSEN (Generation XI, 1 1166). The English equivalent of the Danish given name
Niels is Nicholas. Based upon his stated age of eighty-five at his death in 1698, it is estimated that
NIELS may have been born about 1613, possibly in Vester Hjermitslev Parish. The parish records of
Vester Hjermitslev Parish, Hvetbo, Aalborghus County (Hjørring County after 1793) are not extant prior
to 1646, so we may never know details about his early life. NIELS married, 8 June 1649 in Vester
Hjermitslev Parish, ANNE PEDERSDATTER? (1 1167 - spelling of her surname uncertain)(Ref.
1217df). NIELS died at Vester Hjermitslev Parish in 1698 (no date given) at a stated age of eighty-five

Using the calculator discussed in Footnote 23, Advent occurred on 2 December 1688, so "2 Advent 1688" calculates
as 30 November 1688.


(Ref. 1217de). NIELS and ANNE had three known children, all born in Vester Hjermitslev Parish:
1) Dorthe Nielsdatter, baptized 1653 (no date given)(Ref. 1217dg)
2) Christen Nielsen, baptized 10 August 1656 (Ref. 1217dh)
3) INGER NIELSDATTER (1 583), see below
MAREN JESPERSDATTER (Generation XI, 1 1165) was born about 1620 in Vester Hjermitslev
Parish, Hvetbo District, Aalborghus County (Hjørring County after 1793)(Ref. 1218). The English
equivalent of the Danish given name Maren is Mary or Marina. She married, 21 November 1647 in
Vester Hjermitslev Parish, YDDE CHRISTENSEN (1 1164)(Ref. 1217cm). The burial records for
Vester Hjermitslev were examined from 1658 (when her last known child was born) through 1719 (when
she would have been age ninety-nine if the estimated birth year of 1620 is correct) and no record of her
death could be found. It is likely that, after YDDE's death in 1682, MAREN moved to live with one of
her children in another parish. (References 1217cm and 1218)
YDDE CHRISTENSEN (Generation XI, 1 1164). YDDE was born about 1620 in Ingstrup Parish,
Hvetbo District, Aalborghus County (Hjørring County after 1793)(Ref. 1218). There is no English
equivalent of the Danish given name Ydde. He married, 21 November 1647 in Vester Hjermitslev
Parish, MAREN JESPERSDATTER (1 1165); they were betrothed (see Footnote 26) 15 July 1648
(Ref. 1217cm). Based upon the birth places of their first two children, they must have moved from
Brødslev, Ingstrup Parish to Vester Hjermitslev Parish sometime between 1648 and 1652. YD[D]E was
buried in Vester Hjermitslev Parish 26 October 1682 - no age at death was stated (Ref. 1217ea), YDDE
and MAREN had three known children: (References 1217cm, 1217cn, 1217co, 1217cp, 1217ea, 1218)
1) Anne Ydesdatter, baptized 9 November 1648 in Brødslev Parish (Ref. 1217cn)
2) Dorthe Ydesdatter, baptized 11 August 1652 in Vester Hjermitslev Parish (Ref. 1217co)
3) JESPER YDESEN (1 582), see below
KNUD BENDSEN (Generation XI, 1 1156). Based upon his stated age of fifty-eight at his death in
1686, KNUD may have been born about 1628, possibly in Vester Hjermitslev Parish, Hvetbo District,
Aalborghus County (Hjørring County after 1793). The parish records of Vester Hjermitslev Parish are
not extant prior to 1646. The parish records were searched from 1646 on, and no record of KNUD's
marriage could be found. It is likely that his wife was from a different parish, and that the marriage took
place in her home parish. The early baptism parish records for Vester Hjermitslev Parish identify only
the father's name, so we do not know the name of his wife. KNUD BENTSEN (sic) was buried at
Vester Hjermitslev Parish 19 March 1686 at a stated age of fifty-eight (Ref. 1217ej). KNUD and his
unknown wife had four known children, all born in Vester Hjermitslev Parish:
1) Anne Knudsdatter, baptized 1 August 1653 (Ref. 1217eg); probably died young
2) JENS KNUDSEN (1 578), see below
3) Anne Knudsdatter (again), baptized 20 February 1661 (Ref. 1217eh)
4) Else Knudsdatter, baptized 5 July 1669 (Ref. 1217ei)
INGER PEDERSDATTER THYBOE (Generation X, 1 637) was the daughter of PEDER
CHRISTENSEN THYBOE (1 1274) and his wife SIGNE NIELSDATTER (1 1275). INGER was
baptized 8 June 1663 at Saltum Parish (Ref. 1217fl). INGER married MADS RÆF (1 636). MADS
died in 1700 leaving INGER with five young children aged eleven years to six months. It is quite likely
that, with this young family, INGER would have remarried as soon as possible. An Internet website
states that INGER married (second) Jens Jensen (1653-1712). Unfortunately, marriage records for
Saltum Parish are missing for the years 1686 to 1708, so we do not know details about her second
marriage. INGER died at Faarup (now Fårup), Saltum Parish, and was buried 29 May 1743 at a reported
age of eighty-one (Ref. 1217fm) (References 1217fl and 1217fm)


MADS CHRISTENSEN RÆF (Generation X, 1 636) was the son of CHRISTEN RÆF (1 1272) and
his wife INGER NIELSDATTER (1 1273). MADS and his twin Jens were born in Saltum Parish and
baptized 15 Trinity 165321

(Ref. 1217fq). He married INGER PEDERSDATTER THYBOE (1 637)
The marriage records of Saltum Parish are not extant from 1686 to 1708 so if the marriage took place in
Saltum Parish then we cannot know the date except that it was probably before 1689 (the birth of their
first known child). MADS witnessed the baptism of a child of his brother Jens Ræf and Jens' wife
Maren Hansdatter in November 1689 in Saltum Parish (Ref. 1217gf). MADS lived and died in Faarup
(now Fårup), Saltum Parish, and was buried at Saltum Parish 1 June 1700 at a stated age of forty-six
(Ref. 1217fg). MADS and INGER had five known children, all of whom were born in Fårup. His
surname is shown as RÆF in all of the baptism records except that for Inger where her surname was
shown as CHRISTENSEN. (References 1217fg, 1217fq, and 1217gf)
1) Maren Madsdatter, baptized 24 February 1689 (Ref. 1217gb)
2) Christen Madsen, baptized 27 September 1691 (Ref. 1217c)
3) Mette Madsdatter, baptized 7 July 1694 (Ref. 1217gd)
4) PEDER MADSEN RÆF (1 318), see below
5) Inger Christensdatter, baptized 7 January 1700 (Ref. 1217ge)
JOHANNE OVESDATTER (Generation X, 1 619). The English equivalent of the Danish given name
Johanne is Joan or Joanne. The parish records of Børglum Parish in Børglum District, Hjørring County
are not extant prior to 1646, so we may never know about JOHANNE's birth. JOHANNE married
JØRGEN CHRISTENSEN (1 618) - see the discussion of JØRGEN below. JØRGEN died in 1698,
but it is uncertain whether JOHANNE remarried or not. The marriage records for Børglum Parish from
the time of JØRGEN's death in 1698 for the next ten years were examined, and no record of a
remarriage could be found. Widows often went to live with one of their children after their husband's
JØRGEN CHRISTENSEN (Generation X, 1 618). The English equivalent of the Danish JØRGEN is
George. Based upon his stated age of fifty-two at his death in 1698, he may have been born about 1646.
JØRGEN married JOHANNE OVESDATTER (1 616). The English equivalent of the Danish given
name Jørgen is George . The parish records of Børglum Parish are not extant prior to 1646. In addition,
the portion of the Børglum Parish records wherein marriages are shown are damaged, and no record of
their marriage was found. They lived in Børglum Parish, Børglum District, in Aalborghus County
(Hjørring County after 1793). JØRGEN was buried at Børglum Parish 26 February 1698 at a stated age
of fifty-two (Ref. 1217ep). JØRGEN and JOHANNE had three known children (Refs. 1217cy and
1) ANNE JØRGENSDATTER (1 309), see below
2) Sidsel? Jørgensdatter, baptized 27 February 1684 (Ref. 1217eb)
3) a child whose first name begins with "S", baptized January 1687 (Ref. 1217ec)
MAREN JØRGENSDATTER (Generation X, 1 617) was the daughter of JØRGEN HANSEN (1
1234) and his wife DORETHE PEDERSDATTER (1 1235). The English equivalent of the Danish
given name Maren is Mary or Marina. Additional information on the marriage of her parents, JØRGEN
HANSEN and DORTHE PEDERSDATTER, is not available because the Børglum Parish records are
not extant prior to 1646, and the pages for marriages from 1646 to 1652 are damaged. MAREN was
baptized 26 April 1652 in Børglum Parish, Børglum District, Aalborghus County (Hjørring County after
1793) (Ref. 1217ah). MAREN married, probably in Børglum Parish before 1675, LAURS ANDERSEN

Using the calculator discussed in Footnote 23, Trinity occurred on 5 June 1653, so "15 Trinity 1653" calculates as
21 May 1653.


(1 616). (References 1217ah and 1218)
LAURS ANDERSEN (Generation X, 1 616) was born about 1650 in Børglum Parish (Ref. 1218). The
English equivalent of the Danish given name Laurs is Laurence. He married, probably in Børglum Parish
before 1675, MAREN JØRGENSDATTER (1 617), the daughter of JØRGEN HANSEN (1 1234)
and his wife DORETHE PEDERSDATTER (1 1235). LAURS and MAREN had seven known
children, all born in Børglum Parish (Ref. 1218):
1) JØRGEN LAURITSEN (1 308), see below
2) Thomas Lauritsen, born 1676; died 23 December 1728
3) Mathias Lauritsen, born March 1677
4) Johanne Lauritsdatter, born May 1680
5) Anders Lauritsen, born March 1682
6) Dorthe Lauritsdatter, born 18 April 1684; died 1752
7) Maren Lauritsdatter, born September 1689
MAREN SØRENSDATTER (Generation X, 1 615) married JENS ANDERSEN (1 614). Based
upon her reported age of seventy at her death in 1719, it is estimated that she may have been born about
1649. MAREN married, 16 May 1676 in Hune Parish, JENS ANDERSEN (1 614)(Ref. 1217ex).
MAREN was buried at Hune Parish 15 October 1719 at a stated age of seventy (Ref. 1217ez).
(References 1217ex and 1217ez)
JENS ANDERSEN (Generation X, 1 614) lived at Engesgaard in Hune Parish, Hvetbo District,
Aalborghus County (Hjørring County after 1793). An Internet source states, without documentation, that
he was born about 1650 in Hune Parish. He married MAREN SØRENSDATTER (1 615) 16 May
1676 in Hune Parish (Ref. 1217ex). Hune Parish burial records were examined up to the point where
JENS would have been in his mid-nineties, and no record could be found. JENS and MAREN had two
known children, both born at Engesgaard, Hune Parish: (Reference 1217ex)
1) ZIDSEL JENSDATTER (1 307), see below
2) child Jensen or Jensdatter whose first name starts with "A," baptized 1683 (Ref. 1217ey)
PEDER IBSEN (Generation X, 1 608) lived in Faarup (now Fårup), Saltum Parish, Hvetbo District,
Hjørring County. He was the son of JEP ANDERSEN (1 1216) and his wife ANNE JENSDATTER
(1 1217). PEDER was baptized "18 Trinity 1659," or 2 October 1659 (see Footnote 23), at Saltum
Parish (Ref. 1217fu). PEDER married, probably before 1693, ANNE CHRISTENSDATTER (1 609).
PEDER died at Faarup and was buried at Saltum Parish 7 January 1698 at a stated age of forty-six (Ref.
1217fn). Because their son JEPPE was about 21/2 years old at PEDER's death, it is probable that ANNE
remarried soon. Unfortunately, the marriage records for Saltum Parish are incomplete in this time period.
PEDER and ANNE had two known children, both born in Faarup: (References 1217fn and 1217fu)
1) Anders Pedersen, baptized 28 February 1693 (Ref. 1217fo)
2) JEPPE PEDERSEN (1 304), see below
METTE ERIKSDATTER (Generation X, 1 597). The English equivalent of the Danish given name
Mette is Margaret. Based upon her stated age of seventy-seven at her death in 1721, METTE was
probably born about 1644, possibly in Taars (now Tårs) Parish, Børglum District, Aalborghus County
(Hjørring County after 1793). METTE married (first), Hans _______ with whom she had three children:
1) Willum Hansen, born August 1665; 2) Erik Hansen, born 1667, and 3) Hans Hansen, born about 1670.
Her first husband, Hans, may have died and METTE married (second) JENS NIELSEN MØRCH with
whom she had six children. METTE was buried 23 April 1721 at Taars (now Tårs) Parish, Børglum
District, at a stated age of seventy-seven (Ref.1217ct).


JENS NIELSEN MØRCH (Generation X, 1 596). According to one source, the English equivalent of
the Danish given name Jens is John; however, most other sources state that the English equivalent is
James. Based upon his stated age of ninety at his death in 1734, JENS was probably born about 1644,
possibly in Taars (now Tårs) Parish. JENS married METTE ERIKSDATTER (1 597). According to
his death register (Ref. 1217cs), JENS and METTE lived in Hvidsted in Tårs Parish. He was buried 2
February 1734 at Taars (now Tårs) Parish, Børglum District at a stated age of ninety (Ref. 1217cs).
JENS and METTE had six known children, all born in Taars Parish (Ref. 1218):
1) Peder Jensen, born about 1670
2) Knud Jensen, born 1678
3) Mette Jensdatter, born 1681
4) Niels Jensen, born 1685
5) CHRISTEN JENSEN (1 298), see below
6) Maren Jensdatter, born 1695
MAREN POULSDATTER (Generation X, 1 591). The English equivalent of the Danish given name
Maren is Mary or Marina. Based upon a stated age of eighty at her death in 1720, MAREN may have
been born about 1640 in Ingstrup Parish, Hvetbo District if this was indeed our MAREN; Reference
1218 estimates that she was born about 1650. MAREN married LAURITS TØGERSEN (1 590)(Ref.
1218). MAREN was a fadder ("witness") at the baptism of a Kirsten Larsdatter 24 June 1681 (Ref.
1217ek). MAREN may have been buried in Ingstrup Parish "21 [days] post Trinity"22
1720 (see
Footnote 23) at a stated age of eighty (Ref. 1217em); the cursive handwriting is difficult to interpret and
this may, or may not, be our MAREN.
LAURITS TØGERSEN (Generation X, 1 590) may have been born about 1650, possibly in Ingstrup
Parish, Hvetbo District. The English equivalent of the Danish given name Laurtis is Laurence.
LAURITS married MAREN POULSDATTER (1 591). The burial records of Ingstrup Parish were
searched from 1684 (the year that his last known child was born) through 1739 (when he would have
been about age eighty-nine), and no record could be found. It is possible that, after his wife MAREN
died in 1720, he moved to live with one of his children in another parish. LAURITS and MAREN had
two known children, both born in Ingstrup Parish:
1) INGER LARSDATTER (1 295), see below
2) Kirsten Laursdatter, baptized 28 November 1684 (Ref. 1217el)
INGER NIELSDATTER (Generation X, 1 583) may have been the daughter of NIELS
CHRISTENSEN (1 1166?); her name was listed in the old records as either INGER or ING. The
English equivalent of the Danish given name Inger is Ingrid. INGER was baptized 20 January 1659 in
Vester Hjermitslev Parish (Ref. 1217dd), Hvetbo District, Aalborghus County (Hjørring County after
1793). She married, 14 October 1686 in Vester Hjermitslev Parish, JESPER YDESEN (1 582); they
became betrothed (see Footnote 26) 4 May 1686 (Ref. 1217cl). JESPER died in 1730, and the records
of Vester Hjermitslev Parish were examined for several years before and after, and no record of
INGER's death could be found. It is possible that if she survived JESPER she may have moved to live
with one of her children. (References 1217cl and 1217dd)
JESPER YDESEN (Generation X, 1 582) was the son of YDDE CHRISTENSEN (1 1164) and his
wife MAREN JESPERSDATTER (1 1165). The English equivalent of the Danish given name Jesper
is Jasper. He was probably named for his maternal grandfather. JESPER was baptized 5 September

Using the calculator discussed in Footnote 23, Trinity occurred on 12 June 1720, so "21 post Trinity 1720"
calculates as 2 July 1720.


1658 in Vester Hjermitslev Parish, Hvetbo District, Aalborghus County (Hjørring County after
1793)(Ref. 1217cp). JESPER married, 14 October 1686 in Vester Hjermitslev Parish, INGER
NIELSDATTER (1 582); they became betrothed 4 May 1686 (Ref. 1217cl). JESPER was buried 28
April 1730 in Vester Hjermitslev Parish (Ref. 1217cq). JESPER and INGER had three known
children, all born in Vester Hjermitslev Parish: (References 1217cl, 1217cp, and 1217cq)
1) ANE JESPERSDATTER (1 291), see below
2) Yde Jespersen, baptized 17 March 1689 (Ref. 1217db)
3) Niels Jespersen, baptized 20 December 1691 (Ref. 1217dc)
ANE JENSDATTER (Generation X, 1 581) was born about 1640 in Vester Hjermitslev Parish, Hvetbo
District, Aalborghus County (Hjørring County after 1795). Parish records for Vester Hjermitslev are not
extant prior to 1646, so the birth year was estimated in Reference 1218. ANE married, 12 June 1671 in
Vester Hjermitslev Parish, BERTHEL ANDERSEN (1 580)(Ref. 1217bc). The Vester Hjermitslev
Parish records were examined to 1728 (age eighty-eight if 1640 is the correct birth year), and no record
of ANE's death could be found. (References 1217bc and 1218)
BERTHEL ANDERSEN (Generation X, 1 580) was born about 1640 in Vester Hjermitslev Parish.
The English equivalent of the Danish given name Berthel is the rarely-used Berthold. Parish records for
Vester Hjermitslev Parish are not extant prior to 1646, so the birth year was estimated in Reference 1218.
He married, 12 June 1671 in Vester Hjermitslev Parish, ANE JENSDATTER (1 581)(Ref. 1217bc).
Vester Hjermitslev Parish records were examined to 1728 (age eighty-eight if 1640 is the correct birth
year), and no record of BERTHEL's death could be found. Perhaps, in their later years, BERTHEL and
ANE moved to live with one of their children in another parish. BERTHEL and ANE had six known
children, all born in Vester Hjermitslev Parish (Ref. 1218): (References 1217bc and 1218)
1) Jens Berthelsen, born 27 January 1673
2) Anders Berthelsen, born 2 February 1674?; died 1740
3) Anne Berthlesdatter, born 16 October 1675
4) Johanne Berthelsdatter, born 26 1680
5) CHRISTIAN BERTHELSEN (1 290), see below
6) Laurits Berthelsen, born 18 January 1686
ZIDSEL JENSDATTER (Generation X, 1 579) was born about 1660 probably in Hune Parish, Hvetbo
District, Aaborgus County (Hjørring County after 1795) (Ref. 1218). The English equivalent of the
Danish given name Zidsel (or the variant Sidsel) is Cecily. She married, 4 April 1688 in Hune, JENS
KNUDSEN (1 578)(Ref. 1217av), and they subsequently lived in Vester Hjermitslev Parish. Her
husband JENS died in 1726 when ZIDSEL would have been about age sixty-six. Vester Hjermitslev
Parish records were searched from 1698 (the birth of their last known child) through 1746 (when she
would have been age eighty), and no death record was found. Older widows often moved to live with
one of their children after the death of their husband, and it is possible that ZIDSEL died in another
parish. (References 1217av, and 1218)
JENS KNUDSEN (Generation X, 1 578) was the son of KNUD BENDSEN (1 1156); no information
on his mother was given in his baptism record. The English equivalent of the Danish given name Jens is
James. JENS was baptized 12 July 1657, in Vester Hjermitslev Parish (Ref. 1217cu). He married, 4
April 1688 in Hune Parish, Hvetbo District, ZIDSEL JENSDATTER (1 579)(Ref. 1217av). JENS
was buried 15 November 1726 in Vester Hjermitslev Parish at a stated age of sixty-nine (Ref. 1217au).
JENS and ZIDSEL had four known children, all born in Vester Hjermitslev Parish (Ref. 1218):
(References 1217au, 1217av, 1217cu, and 1218)
1) Knud Jensen, baptized 21 April 1689 (Ref. 1217dq)
2) KAREN JENSDATTER (1 289), see below

3) Maren Jensdatter, born 12 August 1694 (Ref. 1217do); died 5 November 1731
4) Ane Jensdatter, baptized 1698 (Ref. 1217dp)23
ANNE CHRISTENSDATTER (Generation IX, 1 319) was probably born in Saltum Parish, possibly
about 1692. Her birth is not listed in the registers of Saltum Parish, but her birth year is estimated based
on her stated age of eighty-two at her death in 1774; such age estimations made by survivors at death are
often in error. The baptism records for Saltum Parish were examined for the years 1689 through 1707,
and five girls named ANNE were born to a father named CHRISTEN: the daughter of a Christen
Bollrsen and Zidsel Chestersdatter baptized 19 May 1695 (Ref. 1217fb); the daughter of a Christen
Sørensen and Anne Jensdatter baptized 7 March 1700 (Ref. 1217fc) - probably died young; the daughter
of a Christensen Sørensen and Anne Jensdatter (again) baptized 26 October 1704 (Ref. 1217fd); the
daughter of a Christen Thyrisen? and Brigetta Laursdatter baptized 14 February 1706 (Ref. 1217fe; and
the daughter of Christen Norgaard and ________ Jespersdatter baptized 30 January 1707 (Ref. 1217ff).
It is likely that, excluding the Anne who died young, one of these four girls was our ANNE. ANNE
married PEDER MADSEN RÆF (1 318) 7 May 1719 in Saltum Parish (Ref. 1217ai). ANNE was
buried 13 March 1774 at Faarup (now Fårup) in Saltum Parish at a stated age of eighty-two (Ref.
1217aa). (References 1217aa, 1217ai, and 1218)
PEDER MADSEN RÆF (Generation IX, 1 318) was the son of MADS CHRISTENSEN RÆF (1
636) and his wife INGER PEDERSDATTER THYBOE (1 637). He was probably born late in 1696
and was baptized at Saltum Parish 3 January 1697 (Ref. 1217fa). Because infant mortality was relatively
common in those days, infants were often baptized fairly soon after their birth. His name was given in
the baptism record as PEDER RÆF. In some cases, persons in Denmark added the farm name to their
patronymic surname, and the name Ræf appears to be a farm name or place name as does the name
Thyboe (also called Thybo in some records). He married, ANNE CHRISTENSDATTER (1 319) 7
May 1719 in Saltum Parish (Ref. 1217ai). PEDER was buried 15 April 1764 at Faarup (now Fårup),
Saltum Parish (Ref. 1217w); his name was shown as PEDER RÆF on his death record. PEDER and
ANNE had five known children, all born in Faarup (now Fårup): (References 1217w, 1217ai, 1217fa,
and 1218)
1) Mette Pedersdatter, born about 1721
2) Mads Pedersen, born about 1724; died 1 July 1738
3) Maren Pedersdatter, bapized 1 July 1727; died 1813
4) Jens Pedersen, born about 1731; died 27 November 1796
5) MARGRETHE PEDERSDATTER (1 159); see below
SOFIE JACOBSDATTER (Generation IX, 1 317). Based upon he stated age of seventy-three at her
death in 1773, SOFIE was born about 1703 in Hvetbo District (Ref. 1218). She married ANDERS
CHRISTENSEN BØDKER (1 316)(Ref. 1218). SOFIE died at Nols, Saltum Parish at a stated age of
seventy-three, and was buried at Saltum Parish 30 June 1776 (Ref. 1217ab). (References 1217ab and
ANDERS CHRISTENSEN BØDKER (Generation IX, 1 316). The English equivalent of the Danish
Many of the dates in the early parish records are referenced to a given religious holiday date rather than an actual
calendar date. The baptism of Ane Jensdatter is an example. Her baptismal date was given as "6 p[ost] Epip[hany] 1698." The
Christian Feast of the Epiphany is held on January 6. However, it is uncertain in this case whether the "6 post" is six days or six
Sundays after the Epiphany, but my suspicion is that it represents days. Other religious days employed in the parish records were
"Pentecost" = seven weeks after Easter Sunday; "Trinity" = first Sunday after Pentecost; "Nativity" = Christmas Day; "Dominica
Cantate," etc. Several of these holidays are "moveable" and the actual date varies from year to year: Easter, Septuagesima, Ash
Wednesday, Lent, Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, and Advent Sunday. These "moveble" holidays may be calculated at:

given name Anders is Andrew. Based upon his stated age of seventy-four at his death in 1774, ANDERS
was born about 1700 in Saltum Parish, although many such stated ages are in error. A good candidate for
our ANDERS is the ANDERS CHRISTENSEN baptized 5 August 1708 in Saltum to CHRISTEN
CHRISTENSEN (1 632?) and METTE NIELSDATTER (1 633?)(Ref. 1217ac). He married SOFIE
JACOBSDATTER (1 317)(Ref. 1218) - marriage records for Saltum Parish are not extant prior to
1708. ANDERS died at Nol, Saltum Parish, and was buried at Saltum Parish 13 November 1774 at a
stated age of seventy-four (Ref. 1217bj); his name was shown as ANDERS BØDKER. ANDERS and
SOFIE had four known children, all born in Saltum Parish: (References 1217ac, 1217bj, and 1218)
1) Anne Andersdatter, baptized 23 July 1730
2) JACOB ANDERSEN (1 158), see below
3) Kiersten Andersdatter, born about 1734
4) Anne Andersdatter, baptized 10 November 1737; died 5 January 1777
ANNE JØRGENSDATTER (Generation IX, 1 309) was the daughter of JØRGEN CHRISTENSEN
(1 618) and his wife JOHANNE OVESDATTER (1 619). ANNE was baptized 4 September 1681 in
Børglum Parish (Ref. 1217cy). ANE married, 11 March 1708 in Børglum Parish, JØRGEN
LAURITSEN (1 308)(Ref. 1217bz). ANE and JØRGEN moved to Vrensted Parish where JØRGEN
died in 1730. The Vrensted Parish records are not extant prior to 1730 so if ANE died in Vrensted Parish
prior to 1730 no record would exist. Vrensted Parish records were searched from 1730 to 1771 (when
she would have been age ninety, and no death record was found. Older widows often moved to live with
one of their children after the death of their husband so it is possible that ANE died in another parish.
(References 1217bz and 1217cy)
JØRGEN LAURITSEN (Generation IX, 1 308) was the son of LAURS ANDERSEN (1 616) and his
wife MAREN JØRGENSDATTER (1 617). The English equivalent of the Danish given name Jørgen
is George. He was probably named after his maternal grandfather JØRGEN HANSEN (1 1234). He
was baptized "22 post Trinity"24

1675 (see Footnote 23) in Børglum Parish (Ref. 1217eo). He married,
11 March 1708 at Børglum, ANE JØRGENSDATTER (1 309)(Ref. 1217bx). JØRGEN and ANE
apparently moved from Børglum Parish to Vrensted Parish, probably between 1714 and 1720.
JØRGEN was buried in Vrensted Parish 18 August 1730 at a stated age of fifty-five (Ref. 1217ad).
JØRGEN and ANE had five known children: (References 1217ad, 1217bx, 1217eo, and 1218)
1) Maren Jørgensdatter, born 1710 in Børglum; died 17 November 1786
2) Johanne Jørgensdatter, baptized 8 April 1714 in Børglum
3) ANDERS JØRGENSEN (1 154), see below
4) Ane Jørgensdatter, born 1720 in Vrensted Bye (Town)
5) Maren Jørgensdatter, born 1729 in Vrensted Bye (Town)
ZIDSEL JENSDATTER (Generation IX, 1 307) was the daughter of JENS ANDERSEN (1 614) and
MAREN SØRENSDATTER (1 615)(Ref. 1218). The English equivalent of the Danish given name
Zidsel is Cecily. ZIDSEL was born at Engesgaard in Hune Parish, Hvetbo District, and was baptized 17
October 1677 at Hune Parish (Ref. 1217ef). She married, 24 June 1699 in Hune Parish, LAURS
SØRENSEN (1 306)(Ref. 1217dn). LAURS died in May 1750, and ZIDSEL outlived him by seven
months. She died at Faarup (now Fårup) in Saltum Parish, and was buried 30 December 1750 in Saltum
Parish at a reported age of sixty-four (Ref. 1217ee); her actual age was seventy-three. (References
1217dn, 1217ee, 1217ef, and 1218)

Using the calculator discussed in Footnote 23, Trinity occurred on 30 May 1675, so "22 post Trinity 1675" would calculate as
21 June 1675. However, this is confusing because the sequence of the entry in the parish record (Ref. 1217eo) is clearly between
September and November. Hence, JØRGEN's baptism was 22 October 1675.

LAURS SØRENSEN (Generation IX, 1 306) was born in Faarup (now Fårup) and was baptized 3 July
1670 in Saltum Parish. The English equivalent of the Danish given name Laurs is Laurence. He married,
24 June 1699 in Hune Parish, Hvetbo District, ZIDSEL JENSDATTER (1 307)( Ref. 1217dn).
LAURS died at Faarup (now Fårup) in Saltum Parish, and was buried 28 May 1750 in Saltum Parish at a
reported age of seventy-four years and two months (Ref. 1217ed); his actual age was eighty. LAURS
and ZIDSEL had six known children, all born in Faarup: (References 1217dn, 1217ed, and 1218)
1) Jens Laursen, baptized 31 May 1700
2) Kirsten Laursdatter, baptized 1 December 1702
3) Maren Laursdatter, baptized 14 September 1710; died 18 July 1771
4) Anne Laursdatter, baptized 23 July 1713
5) Maren (again) Laursdatter, baptized 26 February 1716; died 16 May 1717
6) MAREN (again) (1 153), see below
ANNE MALENE BERTHELSDATTER (Generation IX, 1 305) was the daughter of BERTHEL
MATTHIS _________ (1 610) and his wife MAREN ERICHSDATTER (1 611). The English
equivalent of her Danish middle name Malene is Magdalena. She was baptized in January 1705 ("4
[post] Epip[hany] 1705" - see Footnote 23)(Ref. 1217dw). ANNE married (first), 26 December 1723 at
Saltum Parish, JEPPE PEDERSEN (1 304)(Ref. 1217dy). JEPPE died in 1727 and ANNE married
(second), 22 January 1730 in Saltum Parish, Ole Mogensen (Ref. 1217du). ANNE MALENE died at
Faarup (now Fårup) in 1792 (no date provided) at a reported age of eighty-nine (Ref. 1217dz). ANNE
had one known child with JEPPE and six children with Ole.
Child with first husband JEPPE PEDERSEN:
1) PEDER IPSEN (1 152), see below
Children with second husband Ole Mogensen (Ref. 1218):
2) Jeppe Olesen, born 1730; died 1807
3) Thomas Olesen, born 1733; died 1785
4) Margrethe Olesdatter, born 1736; died 1837
5) Bertel Olesen, born 1738; died 1806
6) Johanne Olesdatter, born 1741
7) Kirsten Olesdatter, born 1744
JEPPE PEDERSEN (Generation IX, 1 304) was the son of PEDER IBSEN (1 608) and his wife
ANNE CHRISTENSDATTER (1 609). The English equivalent of the Danish given name Jeppe is
Jacob. JEPPE was born in Faarup (now Fårup), and was baptized 14 June 1696 in Saltum Parish (Ref.
1217dv). JEPPE married ANNE MALENE BERTHELSDATTER (1 305) 26 December 1723 at
Saltum Parish (Ref. 1217dy). JEPPE PEDERSEN was a fadder ("witness") at the baptism of a Laurids
Thomasen in Saltum Parish 19 March 1727 (Ref. 1217dx). JEPPE died in Faarup, Saltum Parish, and
was buried in Saltum Parish 23 December 1727 (Ref. 1217dt). JEPPE and ANNE had one known child:
1) PEDER IPSEN (1 152), see below
MAREN SØRENSDATTER (Generation IX, 1 299). The English equivalent of the Danish given
name Maren is Mary or Marina. Based upon her stated age of seventy-five at her death in 1778,
MAREN may have been born about 1703, probably in Vrejlev Parish, Børglum District; she was married
in Vrejlev parish, and brides generally got married in their home parish. The baptismal records of
Vrejlev Parish were examined for this time period and, mainly because of cursive handwriting in the
records that is very difficult to read, a record of her baptism could not be located. MAREN married, 1
March 1737 at Vrejlev Parish, Børglum District, CHRISTEN JENSEN (1 298)(Ref. 1217cw). If
MAREN was indeed born about 1703, she would have been about age thirty-four at her marriage with
CHRISTEN in 1737. MAREN and CHRISTEN lived in Tårs Parish, Børglum District, and a record of
the burial of a MAREN SØRENSDATTER in Tårs Parish 3 May 1778 at a stated age of seventy-five


(Ref. 1217en). (References 1217cw and 1217en)
CHRISTEN JENSEN (Generation IX, 1 298) was the son of JENS NIELSEN MØRCH (1 596) and
his wife METTE ERIKSDATTER (1 597). Based upon his reported age of sixty-two at his death in
1752 it is estimated that CHRISTEN was born about 1690. CHRISTEN married, 1 March 1737 at
Vrejlev Parish, Børglum District, MAREN SØRENSDATTER (1 299)(Ref. 1217cw). They lived at
Hvidsted in Taars (now Tårs) Parish, Børglum District. CHRISTEN was buried in Taars (now Tårs)
Parish 19 March 1752 at a stated age of sixty-two (Ref. 1217cv). CHRISTEN and MAREN had three
known children, all born at Hvidsted in Taars Parish (Ref. 1218):
1) INGER CHRISTENSDATTER (1 149), see below
2) Mette Christensdatter, born January 1741; died 15 January 1741
3) Jens Christensen, born July 1742; died 29 July 1742
INGER LARSDATTER (Generation IX, 1 295) was the daughter of LAURITS TØGERSEN (1 590)
and his wife MAREN POULSDATTER (1 591) She was born at Brødslev, Ingstrup Parish, and was
baptized in 1679 (no date specified) in Brødslev, Ingstrup Parish (Ref. 1217aw). INGER married
PEDER CHRISTENSEN (1 294) - see the discussion below. INGER was buried 15 November 1760
at Ingstrup at a reported age of eighty-one (Ref. 1217cf); she was living at Nørdgaard in Ingstrup Parish.
(References 1217aw, 1217cf, and 1218)
PEDER CHRISTENSEN (Generation IX, 1 294) was baptized 1 January 1680 in _______ Parish (Ref.
1218). He married INGER LAURSDATTER (1 295), the daughter of LAURITS TØGERSEN (1
590) and his wife MAREN POULSDATTER (1 296)(Ref. 1218). PEDER married INGER
CHRISTENSDATTER (1 295)(Ref. 1218). Marriage records for Ingstrup Parish were examined, and
this marriage could not be found; perhaps they married in another parish. PEDER died in April 1762 at
and was buried in Ingstrup Parish (Ref. 1217aj). Subtracting his apparent birth year, 1679,
from his death year suggests that he died about age 83. PEDER and INGER had five known children,
all born in Ingstrup Parish: (References 1217aj and 1218)
1) Johanne Pedersdatter, born 1713
2) Maren Pedersdatter, born 1715; died December 1774
3) Bodil Pedersdatter, born April 1718
4) Christen Pedersen, born 1721; died 1799
5) DORETHE PEDERSDATTER (1 147), see below
ANE JESPERSDATTER (Generation IX, 1 291) was the daughter of JESPER YDESEN (1 582) and
his wife INGER NIELSDATTER (1 583); her name was variously shown as ANE and ANNE. ANNE
was baptized 25 September 1687 in Vester Hjermitslev Parish (Ref. 1217da). ANE married, in Vester
Hjermitslev Parish, CHRISTEN BERTHELSEN (1 290); see the discussion below for CHRISTEN
BERTHELSEN. ANE was buried 14 October 1746 in Vester Hjermitslev Parish (Ref. 1217ak).
(References 1217ak, 1217da, and 1218)
CHRISTEN BERTHELSEN (Generation IX, 1 290) was the son of BERTHEL ANDERSEN (1
580) and his wife ANE JENSDATTER (1 581). He was baptized 27 March 1682 in Vester
Hjermitslev Parish (Ref. 1217ae). CHRISTEN and ANE JESPERSDATTER (1 291) became
betrothed 12 March 1715 in Vester Hjermitslev Parish (Ref. 1217by). The parish record (Ref. 1217by)

In Danish, nør equals "north," and gård (or gaard) equals "farm" in English. Therefore, Nørgaard equals "North
Farm" in English and is a place name in Ingstrup Parish.

shows the date of their betrothal26

, but information below that would indicate the actual marriage was
crossed out - if there actually was a marriage, the date would be undecipherable. The meaning of this is
unclear; were they, as was the custom, married about a month or two following their betrothal, or was
their marriage postponed to a later date, or were they married at all? CHRISTEN was buried 22 January
1740 in Vester Hjermitslev Parish at a stated age of fifty-seven (Ref. 1217af). CHRISTIAN and ANE
had four known children, all born in Vester Hjermitslev Parish: (References 1217ae, 1217af, 1217by,
and 1218)
1) Berthel Christensen, born April 1719
2) Yde Christensen, baptized 27 March 1721; died 31 December 1747
3) Anders Christensen, baptized 6 November 1723; died 1 May 1724
4) INGER CHRISTENSDATTER (1 145), see below.
KAREN JENSDATTER (Generation IX, 1 289) was the daughter of JENS KNUDSEN (1 578) and
his wife SIDSEL JENSDATTER (1 579). She was baptized at Vester Hjermitslev in 1691 (Ref.
1217t); the date was given as "Trinity"
1691 (see Footnote 23). KAREN married, 26 December 1718
at Vester Hjermitslev, NIELS SØRENSEN (1 288)(Ref. 1217bx). The parish records of Vester
Hjermitslev were examined, and the only possible record for KAREN's death is Reference 1217ce. The
handwriting is very poor, but if this our KAREN then she died early in 1735 (month and day not clear) at
a stated age of forty-four; this is the correct age for someone born in 1691. (References 1217t, 1217bx,
1217ce, and 1218)
NIELS SØRENSEN (MYRTUE) (Generation IX, 1 288). The English equivalent of the Danish given
name Niels is Nicholas. Based upon his stated age of eighty-four at his death in 1765, NIELS was born
about 1681. He may have been born in Vester Hjermitslev Parish although no record of his birth or
baptism could be found in the records of that parish. NIELS married, 26 December 1718 at Vester
Hjermitslev), KAREN JENSDATTER (1 289)(Ref. 1217ce). NIELS was buried at Vester Hjermitslev
Parish 11 February 1765 at a stated age of eighty-four (Ref. 1217u); he was listed as NIELS MYRTUE.
NIELS and KAREN had four known children: (References 1217u, 1217ce, and 1218)
1) Zidsel Nielsdatter, born June 1721; died 1 January 1763
2) SØREN NIELSEN 1 144, see below
3) Jens Nielsen, baptized 2 July 1727; died 3 May 1782
4) Peder Nielsen, born January 1731; confirmed at Saltum 1748 (Ref. 1217ew); died 1763
MARGRETHE PEDERSDATTER (Generation VIII, 1 159) was the daughter of PEDER MADSEN
RÆF (1 318) and his wife ANNE CHRISTENSDATTER (1 319). MARGRETHE was born in
Faarup (now Fårup), South Saltum, and was baptized 6 June 1734 at Salum Parish (Ref. 1217fk).
MARGRETHE married (first), Peder Olesen (Ref. 1218) with whom she had one child, a daughter
named Margrethe Pedersdatter. Peder Olesen apparently died and MARGRETHE married (second), 25
June 1765 in Saltum Parish, JACOB ANDERSEN (1 158)(Ref. 1217z). MARGRETHE was buried at
Saltum Parish 20 February 1794 at a stated age of fifty-nine (Ref. 1217bk). (References 1217s, 1217z,
1217bk, 1217fk, and 1218)
(1 316) and his wife SOFIE JACOBSDATTER (1 317). JACOB was born at Nols, Saltum Parish,
and was baptized 18 November 1731 Saltum Parish (Ref. 1217y). JACOB married, 25 June 1765 at
Betrothal in the Danish Lutheran Church was similar to marriage banns in other denominations. Marriage
engagements in America are similar, but are not usually official church functions.
Using the calculator discussed in Footnote 23, "Trinity 1691" occurred on 7 June 1691.


Saltum Parish, MARGRETHE PEDERSDATTER (1 159)(Ref. 1217z). JACOB (age 55) and
MARGRETHE (age 53) are shown in the 1787 Danish Census (Ref. 1073aj) living in North Saltum Bye
(Town) with their children JOHANNE (age 20), Ane (age 9) and Peder (age 8); JACOB's occupation
was shown as Tømermester mølle bygger which translates as "Carpenter millwright." JACOB (age 70)
is shown in the 1801 Danish Census (Ref. 1073al) - MARGRETHE had died in 1794 - living with his
son Peder and Peder's family in Nøre (North) Saltum; JACOB's occupation is shown as Huusmand og
Tømmermand which translates as "Small holder and lumberman." JACOB was buried 11 April 1806 at
Nols, North Saltum at a stated age of seventy-five (Ref. 1217ag); his name was given as JACOB NOLS
on his death record, NOLS being the farm name where lived. JACOB and MARGRETHE had three
known children, all born in Saltum Parish: (References 1073aj, 1073al, 1217y, 1217ag, and 1218)
1) JOHANNE JACOBSDATTER (1 79), see below
2) Peder Jacobsen, born 1771
3) Ane Jacobsdatter, born 1778
BIRTHE CHRISTENSDATTER (Generation VIII, 1 157). The English equivalent of the Danish
given name Birthe is Bridget. Based upon her stated age of fifty-five in the 1787 Danish Census (Ref.
1073ah), it is possible that she was born about 1732, possibly in Saltum Parish, although she is not listed
in the parish records of that era. Lutheranism was the official religion of Denmark and, starting in 1736,
it was required that children become confirmed at age fourteen. There is a confirmation record in Saltum
Parish (Ref. 1217cz) dated 1739 for a BIRTHE whose father was named CHRISTEN. We do not know
if this was or BIRTHE or not, but if she was at least age fourteen this implies that she was born about
1725 or earlier. There was another BIRTHE CHRISTENSDATTER who was confirmed in Saltum
Parish in 1743 (Ref. 1217es); again, if she was at least age fourteen then this would imply that she was
born about 1729 or earlier. At present it is not known which BIRTHE, if either, is our ancestor.
BIRTHE married CHRISTEN FISKMAND (1 156)(1218) - see the discussion for CHRISTEN
below. BIRTHE died sometime after the 1787 Danish Census. Saltum Parish records were examined
from 1787 until 1830 (when she would have been age ninety-eight), and no record of the death of a
BIRTHE CHRISTENSDATTER could be found. However, a record was found for the burial at age
eighty-three, 13 May 1807 at Saltum Parish, of "Niels Christensens Moder" where the Danish word
moder translates as "mother" (Ref. 1217er). The age of eighty-three suggests a birth year of about 1724,
and this is close to the birth year suggested in the confirmation records discussed above; often, the
survivors of the deceased did not accurately know the actual age of the deceased. It is also possible that
in her later years she went to live with one of her children in another parish and that the Moder of Niels
Christensen was another person. (References 1073ah, 1073cz, 1217er, 1217es, and 1218)

CHRISTEN NIELSEN? FISKMAND (Generation VIII, 1 156). Based upon his stated age of fifty-
five in the 1787 Danish Census, it is estimated that he was born about 1732, possibly in Saltum Parish.

CHRISTEN married BIRTHE CHRISTENSDATTER (1 157)(Ref. 1218). A record of the marriage
in Saltum Parish between a CHRISTEN NIELSEN and a BIRTHE CHRISTENSDATTER has been
found: 10 February 1751 (Ref. 1217eq). The Danish word fiskmand translates to "fish man" - a seller of
fish. Because the surname FISKMAND is likely an occupational name, it is possible that this
CHRISTEN (age 55), BIRTHE (age

If this Christen Nielsen is indeed our CHRISTEN FISKMAND, and if he was born about 1732 in Saltum Parish (a
lot of ifs!), there are four candidates born in Saltum Parish 1730-1736 who might be our CHRISTEN: 1) Christen Nielsen, the
son of Niels Christensen and Mette Jørgensdatter of Østrup, baptized 20 August 1730 (Ref. 1217gk); 2) Christen Nielsen, the son
of Niels Andesen and Maren Christensdatter of Torpet, baptized 20 May 1731 (Ref. 1217gl); 3) Christen Nielsen, the son of
Niels Christensen and Anna Jensdatter of Fårup, baptized 21 December 1732 (Ref. 1217gm); and 4) Christen Nielsen, the son of
Niels Ræf and Maren Christensdatter of Ryn___d, baptized 15 January 1736 (Ref. 1217gn). We presently do not which, if any,
of these might be our CHRISTEN.


55), and their son NIELS (1 78 - age 11) are shown in the 1787 Danish Census (Ref. 1073ah) living in
Faarup (now Fårup) Bye (Town) in Saltum Parish; his occupation was shown as Huusmand & betlende
which translates as "Smallholder & ???." One source states that a "smallholder" was "without land of his
own" while another source that a "smallholder" was a "cottager or small farmer." Saltum Parish burial
records were examined from 1771 through 1809, and no record for CHRISTEN NIELSEN or
CHRISTEN FISKMAND could be found. However, during ths period of time there was a tendency for
the pastors in Saltum Parish entering information in the burial records to use a farm name or place name
instead of the patronymic surname. If our CHRISTEN FISKMAND was indeed CHRISTEN
NIELSEN, then CHRISTEN and BIRTHE had four known children: (References 1073ah, 1217eq,
and 1218)
1) Anne Christensdatter, baptized 5 September 1756 (Ref. 1217et)
2) Margrete Christensdatter, baptized 19 February 1758 (Ref. 1217eu)
3) Johanne Christensdatter, baptized 11 November 1764 (Ref. 1217ev)
4) NIELS CHRISTENSEN (1 78), see below
ANNE NIELSDATTER (Generation VIII, 1 155). Based upon her stated age of forty-three at her
death in 1771, she was born about 1728 at Børglum Bye (Town), Børglum Parish. ANNE married, 8
October 1752 in Børglum Parish, ANDERS JØRGENSEN (1 154)(Ref. 1217bg). She was buried 23
March 1771 at Vrensted Bye (Town) at a stated age of forty-three (Ref. 1217al). (References 1217al,
1217bg, and 1218)
ANDERS JØRGENSEN (Generation VIII, 1 154) was the son of JØRGEN LAURITSEN (1 308)
and his wife ANE JØRGENSDATTER (1 309). The English equivalent of the Danish given name
Anders is Andrew. Based upon his reported age of seventy-seven at his death in 1793, he was born 1715-
1716, probably at Vrensted Bye (Town) in Vrensted Parish, Børglum District - records of Vrensted
Parish are not extant prior to 1730. ANDERS married (first), 8 October 1752 at Børglum Parish, ANNE
NIELSDATTER (1 155)(Ref. 1217bg). They lived in Vrensted Parish where they were listed in the
1787 Danish Census (Ref. 1073k). ANNE died in 1771, and ANDERS married (second), 18 October
1771 in Børglum Parish, Karen Andersdatter (age 28) (Ref. 1217bh). ANDERS was buried 28 March
1793 at Vrensted Bye (Town) at a reported age of seventy-seven (Ref. 1217r). ANDERS and ANNE had
eleven known children, all born in Vrensted Parish (Ref. 1218); Reference 1123 had shown fewer
children for ANDERS, and the complete list is shown below.
Children with first wife ANNE: (References 1073k, 1123, 1217r, 1217bg, and 1218)
1) Anne Andersdatter, born 1753; died 7 May 1773
2) Sidsel Andersdatter, born 1755
3) Jørgen Andersen, born September 1757; probably died young
4) Niels Andersen, born September 1758; died October 1759
5) Jørgen Andersen (again), born November 1760
6) Maren Andersdatter, born May 1763
7) JOHANNE ANDERSDATER (1 77), see below
8) Poul Andersen, born 1768; died 27 November 1848
9) Ole Andersen, born 27 December 1770; died 27 January 1771
10) Niels Andersen (again, twin to Ole), born 27 December 1770; died 10 February 1771
11) Ove Andersen, born 1771
Children with second wife Karen Andersdatter born in Vrensted Bye (Town) (Ref. 1218):
12) Kiersten Andersdatter, born 1775
13) Anders Andersen, born 23 November 1777
MAREN LAURITSDATTER (Generation VIII, 1 153) was the daughter of LAURS SØRENSEN
(1 306) and his wife ZIDSEL JENSDATTER (1 307); they lived in Faarup (now Fårup). The English


equivalent of the Danish given name Maren is Mary or Marina. MAREN was baptized 2 February 1719
in Saltum Parish (Ref. 1217di). MAREN married, 12 February 1754 in Saltum Parish, PEDER IPSEN
(1 152)(Ref. 1217dj). MAREN and PEDER had a short marriage because she was buried 17 June 1755
about two weeks after giving birth to twins (Ref. 1217dk). It is likely that she died at a stated age of
thirty-six of complications following the birth of her twins. (References 1217di, 1217dj, and 1217dk)
PEDER IPSEN (Generation VIII, 1 152) was the son of JEPPE PEDERSEN (1 304) and ANNE
MALENE BERTHELSDATTER (1 305). PEDER was baptized 19 August 1725 at Saltum Parish,
Hvetbo District (Ref. 1217ds). PEDER married (first), 12 February 1754 in Saltum Parish, MAREN
LAURITSDATTER (1 153)(Ref. 1217dj). PEDER's marriage to MAREN lasted only sixteen months
as MAREN died, probably due to post-partum complications, about two weeks after giving birth to twin
boys. PEDER clearly had an immediate need for help with caring for two infants and about six months
later, on 9 December 1755 in Saltum Parish, he married (second) Inger Andersdatter (Ref. 1217dl).
PEDER died in Saltum Parish, was buried 1 February 1778 in Saltum Parish at a reported age of 52
years, 5 months, and 8 days (Ref. 1217dr). PEDER and MAREN had two children, and he had at least
one child with his second wife Inger: (References 1217dj, 1217dl), 1217dr, 1217ds, and 1218)
Children with first wife MAREN:
1) LAURS PEDERSEN (1 76), see below
2) Jeppe Pedersen, twin to LAURS, baptized 4 June 1755 (Ref. 1217cj)
Child with second wife Inger:
3) Maren Pedersdatter, baptized 12 April 1759 (Ref. 1217dm)
JOHANNE JENSDATTER (Generation VIII, 1 151) was the daughter of JENS NIELSEN (1 302)
and his wife BIRTHE CHRISTENSDATTER (1 303). The English equivalent of the Danish given
name Johanne is Joanne, or Joan. Based upon her stated age of sixty-two in the 1787 Danish Census
(Ref. 1073l), and her stated age of seventy-seven in the 1801 Danish Census (Ref. 1073d), JOHANNE
was born about 1724, probably in Vrensted Bye (Town); parish records for Vrensted Parish are not extant
prior to 1730. JOHANNE married HANS THORSEN (1 150)(Ref. 1218). JOHANNE's husband
HANS died in 1803 when JOHANNE would have been about age seventy-nine. JOHANNE was alive
in 1801 at the time of the 1801 Danish Census, and the subsequent records of Vrensted Parish were
searched, and no records of JOHANNE's death could be found. It is possible that, after HANS' death
she moved to another parish to live with one of their children. (References 1073d, 1073l, and 1218)
HANS THORSEN (Generation VIII, 1 150) was born about 1724-1725, probably in Vrensted Parish.
The English equivalent of the Danish given name Hans was originally John, but is now recognized as a
name in its own right. His birth year is estimated from his stated age of sixty-two in the 1787 Danish
Census (Ref. 1073l), his stated age of seventy-seven in the 1801 Danish Census (Ref. 1073d), and his
stated age of eighty at his burial 15 December 1803 (Ref. 1217ap). Vrensted church records are not
extant prior to 1730, so his birth year must be estimated. HANS married JOHANNE JENSDATTER
(1 151)(Ref. 1218). There is an interesting notation in their listing in the 1787 Danish Census of
Vrensted Bye (Town)(Ref. 1073l). The listing for their daughter METTE HANSDATTER (age 24)
states "Deres Datter af 1ste Ægteskab" which translates as "Their first marriage," and this implies that
daughter METTE was the result of a previous marriage for HANS. However, in the 1801 Census of
Vrensted Parish (Ref. 1073d), HANS (age 77) and JOHANNE (age 77) were living with METTE (listed
as the Kone or "wife") and her husband Christen Olsen, and HANS was shown as Konens Fadder
("Wife's Father"), and JOHANNE was listed as Konens Moder ("Wife's Mother"), thereby confirming
that METTE was indeed their daughter. HANS and JOHANNE had two known children: (References
1073d, 1073l, 1217ap, and 1218)
1) METTE HANSDATTER (1 75), see below
2) Jens Hansen, born about 1764


INGER CHRISTENSDATTER (Generation VIII, 1 149), was the daughter of CHRISTEN JENSEN
(1 298) and his wife MAREN SØRENSDATTER (1 299). The English equivalent of the Danish
given name Inger is Ingrid. INGER was baptized in Taars (now Tårs) Parish 16 March 1738 (Ref.
1217cr). She married (first), 28 October 1764 at Taars Parish, OLE CHRISTENSEN NØRDGAARD
(1 148)(Ref. 1217am). OLE was buried at Vrensted Parish 28 January 1782 (Ref. 1217bc), and
INGER married (second), 6 December 1782 at Vrensted Bye (Town), Mads Sørensen (Ref. 1218). The
1787 Danish Census (Ref. 1073s) shows INGER (age 50) living in Vrensted Parish with her second
husband Mads Sørensen. INGER had five children with her first husband OLE, and no children with
her second husband Mads. INGER was buried 10 November 1805 at Vrensted Parish at a stated age of
sixty-nine (Ref. 1217cx). Her stated age of 69 at her death in 1805 suggests a birth year of about 1739,
close to her baptism in 1738. This again shows the possible errors that can arise when using declared
ages at death. (References 1073s, 1217am, 1217bc, 1217cr, and 1217cx)
OLE CHRISTENSEN NØRDGAARD (Generation VIII, 1 148). There is no English equivalent of
the Danish given name Ole. Baptism records for Vrensted Parish are not extant prior to 1730, but based
upon his stated age of fifty-one at his death in 1782, OLE was probably born about 1731, possibly in
Vrensted Bye (Town), Vrensted Parish (Ref. 1218). The name Nørdgaard (or Nørdgård) was likely a
farm name or a place name, and he was listed as OLE NØRDGAARD in the birth record of his son
CHRISTEN (Ref. 1217as). OLE married (first) Maren ______. Maren was born in 1722 and died in
1763 (Ref. 1218), and OLE married (second) INGER CHRISTENSDATTER (1 149) 28 October
1764 in Taars (now Tårs) Parish, Børglum District (Ref. 1217am). OLE was buried at Vrensted Parish
28 January 1782 at a stated age of fifty-one (Ref. 1217be). OLE and his first wife Maren had no known
children, and he had five known children with his second wife INGER, all born in Vrensted Bye
(Town)(Ref. 1218): (References 1217as, 1217am, 1217be, and 1218)
1) CHRISTEN OLSEN NØRDGAARD (1 74), see below
2) Søren Olsen, born September 1769; died 1771
3) Jens Olsen, born May 1773
4) Maren Olesdatter, born March 1779; died February 1780
5) Anne Olesdatter (twin to Maren), born March 1779; died February 1780
DORTHE/DORTE PEDERSDATTER (Generation VIII, 1 147) was the daughter of PEDER
CHRISTENSEN (1 294) and his wife INGER LARSDATTER (1 295). DORTE was born at Farm
Nørgaard and was baptized June 1724 at Ingstrup Parish (Ref. 1217ar). DORTHE married, 16
December 1762 in Ingstrup Parish, STEPHEN JENSEN (1 146)(Ref. 1217aq). DORTHE died at
Nørgaard and was buried in Ingstrup Parish 16 February 1792 at a stated age of sixty-seven (Ref.
1217bl). (References 1217aq, 1217ar, 1217bl, and 1218)
STEPHEN JENSEN (Generation VIII, 1 146) based upon his stated age of seventy-three at his death in
1803, he was born about 1730, possibly in Ingstrup Parish although he is not shown in the Ingstrup Parish
records. His given name was sometimes shown as STEFFEN. He married, 16 December 1762 in
Ingstrup Parish, DORTHE/DORTE PEDERSDATTER (1 147); they were betrothed (see Footnote
26) 19 November 1762 (Ref. 1217aq). STEPHEN (age 59), DORTE (age 65), and their daughter
INGER (1 73, age 24) are shown living at Brødslev in Instrup Parish in the 1787 Danish Census (Ref.
1073b); his occupation was listed as "Bonde og Gaardbeboer" which translates as "Peasant and farm
resident." STEFFEN was buried 30 March 1803 at Nørgaard at Ingstrup Parish at a reported age of
seventy-three (Ref. 1217an) - Reference 1123 incorrectly stated 30 March 1801. STEPHEN and
DORTHE had one known child: (References 1073b, 1123, 1217an, 1217aq, and 1218)
1) INGER STEPHENSDATTER (1 73), see below
INGER CRISTENSDATTER (Generation VIII, 1 145) was the daughter of CHRISTIAN


BERTHELSEN (1 290) and his wife ANE JESPERSDATTER (1 291). She was born in Vester
Hjermitslev Parish in 1726 (Ref. 1217v - date not specified). She married, 8 November 1754 at Vester
Hjermitslev Parish, SØREN NIELSEN (1 144)(Ref. 1217ao). INGER was buried 8 January 1782 at
Vester Hjermitslev at a reported age of fifty-five (Ref. 1217n). (References 1217n, 1217v, 1217ao, and
SØREN NIELSEN MYRTUE (Generation VIII, 1 144) was the son of NIELS SØRENSEN (1 288)
and his wife KAREN JENSDATTER (1 289). The English equivalent of the Danish given name Søren
is the rarely-used Severnius. He was baptized in Vester Hjermtislev Parish close to 6 January 1725; that
is because his baptism record (Ref. 1217ba) has the notation "1ma

Epiphen" and the Church holiday of
Epiphany occurs on January 6 (see Footnote 23). He married (first) INGER CHRISTENSDATTER (1
145) 8 November 1754 at Vester Hjermitslev; they were betrothed (see Footnote 26) 7 May 1754 (Ref.
1217ao). INGER was buried 8 January 1782 (Ref. 1217n) and SØREN married (second), 29 April 1783
in Vester Hjermitslev, Else Simonsdatter; they were betrothed 17 February 1783 (Ref. 1217bo). SØREN
(age 64) and his second wife Else (age 49) are shown living in Vester Hjermitslev in the 1787 Danish
Census (Ref. 1073c). SØREN died in Vester Hjermitslev, and was buried 7 March 1794 at a reported
age of sixty-nine (Ref. 1217m). His second wife Else outlived him by eight years, dying 1 May 1802 in
Saltum Parish (Ref. 1075e). SØREN and INGER had six known children, all born in Vester
Hjermitslev Parish: (References 1073c, 1075e, 1217m, 1217n, 1217ao, 1217ba, and 1217bo)
1) Niels Sørensen, born about 1756; died 1756
2) Anna Sørensensdatter, born 31 December 1757; died 1762
3) CHRISTEN SØRENSEN (1 72), see below
4) Peder Sørensen, born 13 July 1763
5) Jens Sørensen, born 9 April 1765
6) Ane Caterine Sørensdatter, born 12 December 1766
JOHANNE JACOBSDATTER (Generation VII, 1 79) was the daughter of JACOB ANDERSEN (1
158) and his wife MARGRETHE PEDERSDATTER (1 159). Based upon her stated age of sixty-five
at her death in 1832, JOHANNE was born about 1767 in Saltum Parish. She married (second), 27
January 1800 at Faarup, NIELS CHRISTENSEN IBSEN (1 78)(Ref. 1217bp). JOHANNE died 21
April 1832 at Farrup (now Fårup) in Saltum Parish, and was buried in Saltum Parish 29 April 1832 at a
stated age of 65 (Ref. 1217q). NIELS died in 1831 and JOHANNE's probate file (Refs. 1075d &
1075f) mentioned son Peder Christian Nielsen and "no other heirs." One wonders why her daughter
ANNE NIELSDATTER (1 39), who was alive, was not mentioned in the probate file. JOHANNE had
one child from her first marriage and three children from her marriage with NIELS (see the biography
for NIELS CHRISTENSEN IBSEN). (References 1075d, 1075f, 1217q, 1217bp, and 1218)

(Generation VII, 1 78) was the son of CHRISTEN FISKMAND
(1 156) and his wife BIRTHE CHRISTENSDATTER (1 157). The English equivalent of the Danish
given name Niels is Nicholas. Based upon his stated age of eleven in the 1787 Danish Census (Ref.
1073ah), and his stated age of sixty-six at his death in 1831, his birth year is estimated as 1765-1766,
and he was probably born in Saltum Parsh. He is sometimes listed in the records as NIELS IBSEN (e.g.,
Ref. 1217j) and sometimes as NIELS CHRISTENSEN (e.g., Ref. 1217k); his marriage record (Ref.
1217l) and his burial record (Ref. 1217p) and probate record (Ref. 1075c) list all three names. NIELS
(age 11) is shown living with his parents CHRISTEN and BIRTHE in the 1787 Danish Census of
Faarup (now Fårup) Bye (Town) in Saltum Parish (Ref. 1073ah). He married 27 January 1800 at Faarup

"Ib" is the Danish diminutive form of the given name Jacob. "Sen" is the Danish word for son. In this context, the
surname IBSEN is confusing since NIELS' father's first name was CHRISTEN.


(now Fårup), Saltum Parish, JOHANNE JACOBSDATTER (1 79)(Ref. 1217bp). NEILS
CHRISTENSEN (age 37) and his wife JOHANNE JACOBSDATTER (age 34) are shown in the 1801
Danish Census (Ref. 1073ai) living in Faarup (now Fårup) in Saltum Parish with their son Peder
Christian (age 1) and JOHANNE's daughter Margarethe Pedersdatter (age 6) from a prior marriage. He
died 23 March 1831, and was buried 31 March 1831 at Saltum at a stated age of 663/4 (Ref. 1217p); his
probate file (Ref. 1075c) lists his widow JOHANNE and minor children (not specified). NIELS and
JOHANNE had four known children, plus JOHANNE had one child from a previous marriage:
(References 1073ah, 1073ai, 1075c, 1123, 1217j, 1217k, 1217l, 1217p, 1217bp, and 1218)
1) Peder Christian Nielsen, born about 1800
2) Anne Nielsdatter baptized 8 June 1806 (Ref, 1217k). An entry in the Saltum death register
dated 31 August 1806 (Ref. 1217o) is difficult to decipher but the entry includes "Niels" and
"Anne," and it is assumed that this is the child named Anne baptized 8 June 1806.
3) ANNE NIELSDATTER (again), (1 39) (see below)
4) Christen Nielsen, baptized 18 July 1814 (Ref. 1217gi)

JOHANNE ANDERSDATTER (Generation VII, 1 77) was the daughter of ANDERS JØRGENSEN
(1 154) and his wife ANNE NIELSDATTER (1 155). The English equivalent of the Danish given
name Johanne is Joanne, or Joan. She was baptized 20 October 1765 at Børglum Parish, Børglum
District (Ref. 1217bb); she was probably born at Vrensted Bye (Town). JOHANNE married LAURS
PEDERSEN (1 76) 15 December 1798 at Vrensted Parish (Ref. 1218). LAURS died in 1832, and
JOHANNE and her son Peder Laursen moved to Østre (West) Skoleddistrikt in Gjøl Parish, Hvetbo
District. JOHANNE (age 68, ocupation Væverske = "fluent"?) and her son Peder Laursen (age 24,
occupation Tjenestekarl = "servant") are shown in the 1834 Danish Census (Ref. 1073ak) living with the
family of Søren Christensen Vinter in Gjøl Parish. JOHANNE was buried 2 August 1840 at a stated age
of sixty-nine (she was actually seventy-four) in Gjøl Parish (Ref. 1217bu). (References 1073ak, 1217bb,
1217bu, and 1218)
LAURS PEDERSEN (Generation VII, 1 76) was probably the son of PEDER IPSEN (1 152) and his
wife MAREN LAURIDSDATTER (1 153). The English equivalent of the Danish given name Laurs is
Laurence. Based upon his stated age of eighty at his death in 1832, LAURS may have been born about
1751-1752, probably in Saltum Parish. The records of Saltum Parish were examined and a probable
candidate for LAURS's baptism and parentage was found (Ref. 1217cj). A LAURS PEDERSEN was
baptized at Saltum Parish 4 June 1755. His parents were PEDER IPSEN (1 152) and MAREN
LAURIDSDATTER (1 153)(Ref. 1217cj). This baptism date is about three years later than his birth
year based upon his death stated at his death, but such stated ages are sometimes in error. Although most
Danish infants were baptized close to their birth because of infant mortality, it is also possible that for
some reason his baptism was delayed for about three years. The Lutheran Church was the official church
of Denmark and, starting in 1736, it was required that children be confirmed at age fourteen. LAURS
was confirmed in Saltum Parish in 1766 (Ref. 1217ci). Although he was confirmed in Saltum Parish the
record also reads "fra (from) Jetsmark." Jetsmark is a parish adjoining Saltum on the south, and it is
possible that the PEDER IPSEN family actually lived in Jetsmark close to the Jetsmark/Saltum
boundary. He married (possibly second - see Ref. 1123), 15 December 1798 at Vrensted Parish,
JOHANNE ANDERSDATTER (1 77)(Ref. 1218). LAURS (age 48) and JOHANNE (age 35) were
living in Saltum Parish (see Footnote 23 in Ref. 1123) in the 1801 Danish Census (Ref. 1073f).
Reference 1123 noted that the probate file for LAURS (Ref. 1075a) was dated 2/3 April 1832, and it was
unclear if this was his date of death or not. His original death record has been located (Ref. 1217g) and
Christen Nielsen was the father of Lars Erik Christensen (later Ibsen)(Ref. 1217gj) who, in turn was the father of
Marinus Ibsen who was the father Lars Steen Ibsen (fourth cousin to LEE ALLYN JAMES). Mads Ibsen, the son of Lars Steen
Ibsen, has collaborated with LEE ALLYN JAMES on their Danish ancestral connection.


LAURS did indeed die 2 April 1832 at Langbæk (Langbak), Saltum Parish at a stated age of eighty and
was buried 8 April 1832. LAURS and JOHANNE had three known children: (References 1073f,
1075a, 1123, 1217g, 1217ci, 1217cj, and 1218)
1) ANDERS LAURSEN (1 38), see below
2) Peder Laursen, baptized 8 January 1801 (Ref. 1217gg)
3) Anne Laursdatter, baptized 14 August 1802 (Ref. 1217gh)
METTE HANSDATTER (Generation VII, 1 75) was the daughter of HANS THORSEN (1 150) and
his wife JOHANNE JENSDATTER (1 151). The English equivalent of the Danish given name Mette
is Margaret. METTE was baptized 8 April 1764 in Vrensted Bye (Town) (Ref. 1217bd). She married,
17 December 1788 in Vrensted Parish, CHRISTEN OLSEN (1 74) (Ref. 1217at). CHRISTEN died in
1828, and METTE (age 70, Enke = widow) is shown in the 1834 Danish Census (Ref. 1073e) living in
Vrensted Bye (Town) in Ingstrup Parish with her daughter Maren Christensdatter and Maren's husband
Hans Pedersen). METTE (age 77) was still living with her daughter Maren's family in the 1834 Danish
Census (Ref. 1073y). METTE died 19 June 1842 at a stated age of seventy-nine, and was buried 22 July
in Ingstrup Parish (Ref. 1217bf). (References 1073e, 1073y, 1217at, 1217bd, 1217bf, and 1218)
CHRISTEN OLSEN (Generation VII, 1 74) was the son of OLE CHRISTENSEN NØRGAARD (1
148) and his wife INGER CHRISTENSDATTER (1 149). He was baptized 13 July 1766 in Vrensted
Parish (Ref. 1217as). He married, 17 December 1788 in Vrensted Bye (Town), METTE
HANSDATTER (1 75); they were betrothed (see Footnote 26) 7 November (Ref. 1217at).
CHRISTEN (age 38) and METTE (age 38) are shown living in Vrensted Parish in the 1801 Danish
Census (Ref. 1073d). CHRISTEN died in Vrensted Parish 10 December 1828 at a reported age of 621/2,
and was buried 21 December 1828 (Ref. 1217cd). CHRISTEN and METTE had six known children, all
born in Vrensted Parish: (References 1073d, 1217as, 1217at, 1217cd, and 1218)
1) Else Gertrude Christensdatter, born 1789; died 8 November 1823
2) Ole Christensen, born 1789
3) Hans Christensen, born 1794; died 3 January 1844
4) JOHANNE CHRISTENSDATTER (1 37), see below
5) Inger Christensdatter, born 1799
6) Maren Christensdatter, born 1804; died 8 November 1841
INGER STEPHENSDATTER (Generation VII, 1 73) was the daughter of STEPHEN/STEFFEN
JENSEN (1 146) and his wife DORTHE/DORTE PEDERSDATTER (1 147). She was baptized
1761 (no date given) at Ingstrup Parish (Ref. 1217bv). INGER married, 7 December 1792 in Ingstrup
Parish, CHRISTEN SØRENSEN MYRTUE (1 72)(Ref. 1217bm). INGER died 15 October 1841,
and was buried 22 October 1841 in Ingstrup Parish (Ref. 1217ay). Her probate file (Ref. 1075b), dated
18 October 1841, stated that she was living at Rudslev in Vester Hjermitslev Parish; Rudslev is probably
a farm name or a place name. The file also mentions Peder Christensen ungkarl (bachelor); her husband
CHRISTEN was still alive, but was their son Peder the executor or administrator of her probate?
(References 1075b, 1217ay, and 1217bm)
CHRISTEN SØRENSEN MYRTUE (Generation VII, 1 72) was the son of SØREN NIELSEN
MYRTUE (1 144) and his wife INGER CHRISTENSDATTER (1 145). He was baptized 17 May
1761 in Vester Hjermitslev Parish (Refs. 1217bq & 1217bn). CHRISTEN married, 7 December 1792 in
Ingstrup Parish, INGER STEPHENSDATTER (1 73); they became betrothed 9 November 1792 (Ref.
1712bm). CHRISTEN and INGER lived their married life in Brødslev in Saltum Parish. They are
shown in several Danish Censuses as living in Brødslev: 1801 (Ref. 1073m), 1834 (Ref. 1073n), 1840
(Ref. 1073o) and, after INGER's death, CHRISTEN (age 84) in 1845 (Ref. 1073p). CHRISTEN died
at Brødslev 15 July 1846, and was buried 22 July in Ingstrup Parish (Ref. 1217bn). CHRISTEN and


INGER had seven known children, all born in Ingstrup Parish: (References 1073m, 1073n, 1073o
1073p, 1217bm, 1217n, 1217bq, and 1218)
1) Dorthe Christensdatter, born 1793
2) SØREN CHRISTENSEN (1 36), see below
3) Jens Christensen, born November 1797
4) Peder Christen Christensen, baptized 5 January 1800; died 3 July 1884
5) Peder Christensen, born 1802; was unmarried in 1841 (Ref. 1075b; died 15 April 1874
6) Inger Marie Christensdatter, baptized 17 June 1804
7) Anne Kirstine Christensdatter, born December 1806; died 22 September 1853
ANE NIELSDATTER (Generation VI, 1 39) was the daughter of NEILS CHRISTENSEN IBSEN
(1 78) and his wife JOHANNE JACOBSDATTER (1 79). She was baptized in Saltum Parish 16
August 1807 (Ref. 1217j). Reference 1123 noted that ANE died sometime between the 1860 and 1870
Danish censuses, but had not discovered the exact date. Further studies of the online Danish archives has
shown that ANE died 15 December 1869, was buried 19 December 1869 at Langbæk (Langbak) in
Saltum Parish at a stated age of sixty-two (Ref. 1217f). (References 1123, 1217f, 1217j, and 1218)
ANDERS LAURSEN (Generation VI, 1 38) was the son of LAURS PEDERSEN (1 76) and his wife
JOHANNE ANDERSDATTER (1 77). The English equivalent of the Danish given name Anders is
Andrew. ANDERS was baptized 6 September 1799 in Saltum Parish (Ref. 1217bs). He may have been
named after his maternal grandfather ANDERS JØRGENSEN (1 158). Lutheranism was the official
religion of Denmark, and the Lutheran Church started requiring, starting in 1736, children of age
fourteen to take Confirmation classes and pass an examination. ANDERS was conformed in 1814 (no
date given); his residence was listed as Langbak (Langbæk) (Ref. 1217cc). The Danish government also
required, starting in 1800, that all children be vaccinated for smallpox, and this was also administered
through the Lutheran Church. Reference 1217cc also showed that ANDERS was vaccinated 2
November 1815. ANDERS married, 9 November 1828 in Saltum Parish, ANE NIELSDATTER (1
39)(Ref. 1217bt). They lived in Langbæk (Langbek) in Saltum Parish as shown in the 1834 Danish
Census (Ref. 1073ag), 1840 Danish Census (Ref. 1073g), the 1845 Danish Census (1073i) the 1850
Danish Census (Ref. 1073h), the 1855 Danish Census (Ref. 1073u), and the 1860 Danish Census (Ref.
1073v). ANE died in 1869, and ANDERS (age 71, Enkemand = widower) is shown living with his
eldest son Niels Christen Andersen in Langbæk in the 1870 Danish Census (Ref. 1073w); see Reference
1123 for more details contained in the various censuses. By the time of the 1880 Danish Census (Ref.
1073x) ANDERS (age 81) was living with his daughter Ane Sine Marie Andersen and Ane's husband
Christen Larsen at Løth[use] in Saltum Parish. ANDERS LAURSEN died at Løthuse in Saltum Parish
17 April 1880, and was buried 23 April 1880 (Ref. 1217a). His age was stated as eighty-two in the death
record; however, since he was baptized 6 September 1799, his actual age was eighty-one. ANDERS and
ANE had five known children, all born in Saltum Parish: (References 1073g, 1073i, 1073h, 1073u,
1073v, 1073w, 1073x 1073ag, 1123, 1217a, 1217bs, 1217bt, 1217cc, and 1218)
1) Niels Christian Andersen, baptized 30 August 1829; confirmed 1844 (Ref. 1217ch)
2) Johanne Andersdatter, born about 1834
3) Ane Marie Andersdatter, born about 1836
5) Ane Sine-Marie Andersdatter, born about 1842
JOHANNE CHRISTENSDATTER (Generation VI, 1 37) was the daughter of CHRISTEN OLESEN
(1 74) and his wife METTE HANSDATTER (1 75). JOHANNE was born 8 January 1797, and
baptized 9 February 1797 in Vrensted Parish (Ref. 1217br). Lutheranism was the predominant religion
in Denmark, and the Lutheran Church started requiring, starting in 1736, children of age fourteen to take
Confirmation classes and pass an examination. JOHANNE (age 15) was confirmed in Vrensted Parish 5


April 1812 (Ref. 1217ca). She married SØREN CHRISTENSEN (1 36) 18 October 1822 in Vrensted
Parish (Ref. 1217bw). Reference 1123 stated that JOHANNE had probably died before the 1880 Danish
Census. Her death record (Ref. 1217h) has been found, and she died 10 February 1875, and was buried
at Vester Hjermitslev 19 February 1875 at a stated age of seventy-nine. (References 1123, 1217h, and
(1 72) and his wife INGER STEPHENSDATTER (1 73). The English equivalent of the Danish
given name Søren is the rarely-used Severnius. He was baptized at Ingstrup Parish 10 May 1795 (Ref.
1217bi). Lutheranism was the predominant religion in Denmark, and the Lutheran Church required,
starting in 1736, children of age fourteen to take confirmation classes and pass an examination. SØREN
(age 17) was confirmed in 1813 (no date given) - he was living at Brødslev at the time; his younger
brother Jens Christensen (age 15) was confirmed at the same time (Ref. 1217cb). SØREN married, 18
October 1822 in Vrensted Parish, JOHANNE CHRISTENSDATTER (1 37)(Ref. 1217bw) - see
Reference 1123 for census data and more information about this family. Reference 1123 incorrectly
stated that SØREN died 2 April 1862, but the original record (Ref. 1217e) shows that he died 2 April
1864 at age 693/4; he was buried 10 April 1862. His surname was listed on his death record as
MYRTUE. SØREN and JOHANNE had nine known children: (References 926, 1073ah, 1073ai,
1123, 1217b, 1217e, 1217bi, 1217bw, 1217cb, and 1218)
1) Inger Marie Sørensdatter, born 5 October 1823; married in 1853 Niels Jensen Haugaard
2) Jens Christian Sørensen, born 1825; died young
3) Jens Christian Sørensen (again), born 1826; died 1911; married Karen Marie Jensdatter
4) Niels Christian Sørensen, born 16 September 1828
5) Ole Christian Sørensen, born 13 March 1831; died 1908
6) Mette Catrine Sørensdatter, born 20 February 1833; married Peder Villadsen
7) Elsine Dorthea Sørensdatter, born 6 March 1835
8) Christen Sørensen, born 4 March 1838
9) ANDREAS SØRENSEN (1 18), see below
ZIDSEL KIRSTINE ANDERSDATTER (Generation V, 1 19) was the daughter of ANDERS
LAURSEN (1 38) and his wife ANE NIELSDATTER (1 39). The English equivalent of the Danish
given name Zidsel (or Sidsel) is Cecily. She was born 13 March 1839 and baptized 24 March 1839 at
Langbæk (Langbak), Saltum Parish (Refs. 1217b & 1217cg). Lutheranism was the official religion of
Denmark and in 1736 it was declared that children should be confirmed at age fourteen. ZIDSEL was
confirmed in 1853 at Saltum Parish (Ref. 1217cg). It was also required that, starting in 1800, children
should be vaccinated against smallpox; this was again administrated by the Lutheran Church. ZIDSEL
was vaccinated in 1841 (Ref. 1217cg). ZIDSEL married, 17 November 1862 in Saltum Parish,
ANDREAS SØRENSEN MYRTUE (1 18)(Ref. 1217d) Her given name was spelled as SIDSEL in
the marriage record, while it was spelled ZIDSEL in some records elsewhere; apparently the two
spellings were considered interchangeable. ZIDSEL had a nephew, John Andresen (born 1883) the son
of her brother Niels Christian Andersen, who emigrated to Iowa in 1900. John Andersen settled in
Shelby and Pottawattamie Counties, and Minden, Pottawattamie County, Iowa. Emigrants from the "old
country" often settled close to relatives who had already immigrated to America. ANDREAS MYRTUE
also had a nephew, John Jensen Myrtue, who emigrated and settled in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie
County, Iowa. "STENA" died 27 March 1913, but the church record (Ref. 1277) states a date of 29
March 1913 which is probably incorrect. See pages 211-214 in Reference 926 and pages 27-28 in
Reference 1123 for much more information on ZIDSEL and ANDREAS. (References 1123, 1217b,
1217d, 1217cg, 1218, and 1277)
ANDREAS SØRENSEN MYRTUE (Generation V, 1 18), the son of SØREN (1 36), was baptized at


Vester Hjermitslev Parish 4 April 1841 (Ref.1217c). The English equivalent of the Danish given name
Andreas is Andrew, and this is the form that he adopted when arriving in America. Lutheranism was the
predominant religion in Denmark, and the Lutheran Church started requiring, starting in 1736, children
of age fourteen to take Confirmation classes and pass an examination. ANDREAS would have been
fourteen in 1855 and the Saltum Parish confirmation files for 1854-1860 were examined and no
confirmation could be found for ANDREAS. He married, 17 November 1862 at Saltum, ZIDSEL
KIRSTINE ANDERSDATTER (1 19) the daughter of ANDERS LAURSEN (1 38)(Ref. 1217d).
ANDREAS and ZIDSEL moved from Vester Hjermitslev Parish to Ingstrup Parish between 1869 and
1872. There is an area in Ingstrup Parish called Lille Myrtue (Lille = "Little") and one wonders if this
was associated with our Myrtue family. A summary of the probate process of ANDREAS's estate can
be found in Reference 1336. See Reference pages 211-214 in Reference 926 and pages 27-28 in
Reference 1123 for much more information about ANDREAS and ZIDSEL. (References 926, 1123,
1217c, 1217d, 1218, and 1336)
and his wife ZIDSEL KIRSTINE ANDERSDATTER (1 19), was born at Ejersted in Saltum Parish 26
December 1873 and baptized 2 August 1874 (Ref. 1217i); she later dropped her middle name
ANDREASEN and Anglicized her first name to MARY. See pages 213-214 in Reference 926, and page
28 in Reference 1123 for much more information on MARIE/MARY. (References 926, 1123, 1217c,
1217d, and 1217i)

Bertel Larsen og Johanne Christensdatter

Mand Bertel Larsen

                    Født: 1748 - Se   Fo.
                     Død: 1796 - Hjørring  Ø. Brønderslev 1778 - 1824 O 233 h,
                Begravet: 9 Sep. 1796 - Fredagen d. 9 septbr.    40 år.


• Folketælling: 1787, Hjøring Ø. Brønderslev O 11 Øster Gierndrup 20 familie.

Kvinde Johanne Christensdatter

                    Født: 1746


• Folketælling: 1787, Hjøring Ø. Brønderslev O 11 Øster Gierndrup 20 familie.

• Folketælling: 1801, Hjørring Ø. Brønderslev O 12 Øster Gierndrup 1" familie.

1 K Maren Bærtelsdatter

                    Født: 1782 - Hjørring  Ø. Brønderslev 1778 - 1824 O 14 h.
                     Dåb: 21 Jul. 1782

2 K Johanne Bærtelsdatter

                    Født: 1784 - Hjøring  Ø. Brønderslev 1778 - 1824 O 18 h.
                     Dåb: 29 Aug. 1784
                     Død: 24 Jan. 1820 - Hjøring  Ø. Brønderslev 1819 - 1834 O 158 nr. 2.
                Begravet: 2 Feb. 1820 - 46 År.
       Ægtefælle/partner: Jens Ottesen (1782-1830)
       Ægtefælle/partner: Niels Christensen (      -      )
                  Ægtesk: 10 Nov. 1810 - Hjøring Ø.Brønderslev 1778 - 1824 O 195.

3 M Christen Bærtelsen

                    Født: 1786 - Hjøring  Ø. Brønderslev 1778 - 1824 O 22 v.
                     Dåb: 23 Apr. 1786
       Ægtefælle/partner: Charlotte Lowise Brandt (1792-      )
                  Ægtesk: 16 Mar. 1813 - Hjøring Ø.Brønderslev 1778 - 1824 O 196.

Generelle notater: Børn - Maren Bærtelsdatter

I folketællingen er deres navne skrevet Bærtelsen / datter, det er nok Bertelsen / datter da deres far hedder Bertel.

Generelle notater: Børn - Johanne Bærtelsdatter

I folketællingen er deres navne skrevet Bærtelsen / datter, det er nok Bertelsen / datter da deres far hedder Bertel.

Generelle notater: Børn - Christen Bærtelsen

I folketællingen er deres navne skrevet Bærtelsen / datter, det er nok Bertelsen / datter da deres far hedder Bertel.

Christian Lauritsen og Johanne Christensdatter

Mand Christian Lauritsen

                Ægteskab: 13 Maj 1745 - Hjørring Hvetbo Saltum 1686 - 1771 O 30.

Kvinde Johanne Christensdatter


1 M Niels Christensen

                    Født: 3 Jun. 1740 - Hjørring Hvetbo Saltum 1686 - 1771 O 246.

2 M Laurids Christensen

                    Født: 10 Sep. 1741 - Hjørring Hvetbo Saltum 1686 - 1771 O 251.
                     Dåb:  - 15 P. Trinit.

3 M Peder Christensen

                    Født: 1 Nov. 1743 - Hjørring Hvetbo Saltum 1686 - 1771 O 259.

4 M Christen Christensen

                    Født: 9 Maj 1745 - Hjørring Hvetbo Saltum 1686 - 1771 O 266.

5 K Karen Christensdatter

          Også kendt som: Cristensdatter
                    Født: 17 Nov. 1748 - Hjørring Hvetbo Saltum 1686 - 1771 O 62 v. .
                     Død: 22 Jun. 1811 - I Bonken Saltum Se De 6 Madsner.
                Begravet: 7 Jul. 1811 - 70 1/2 År.
       Ægtefælle/partner: Jørgen Madsen (1725-1807)

Notater: Mand - Christian Lauritsen

Storgård Saltum.

Generelle notater: Børn - Karen Christensdatter


Niels Laursen og Johanne Christensdatter

Mand Niels Laursen


Kvinde Johanne Christensdatter


1 M Clemen Nielsen

                    Født: 1809 - Hjøring Saltum 1768 - 1810  O 183 n. v. ø h.
                     Dåb: 19 Dec. 1809
       Ægtefælle/partner: Sissel Marie Andersdatter (1801-1851)
                  Ægtesk: 18 Nov. 1842 - Hjøring Saltum 1830 - 1843 O 123 nr. 12.
       Ægtefælle/partner: Mette Magrethe Nielsdatter (1808-      )
                  Ægtesk: 1854 - Hjøring Saltum 1851 - 1866 O 141 nrederst.

Generelle notater: Børn - Clemen Nielsen

Ved Brylup 32 år gl. ved bondearbeide.

Jens Jørgensen og Johanne Christensdatter

Mand Jens Jørgensen

                    Født: 1759 - Hjørring Fureby

Kvinde Johanne Christensdatter

                     Dåb: 13 Okt. 1756 - Hjørring Ingstrup
                     Død: 15 Nov. 1829 - Hjørring Ingstrup

                     Far: Christen Pedersen (1733-      )

1 M Peder Jensen

                    Født: 1784 - Hjørring Ingstrup
       Ægtefælle/partner: Maren Pedersdatter (1789-      )

Notater: Mand - Jens Jørgensen


Generelle notater: Børn - Peder Jensen


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Denne hjemmeside blev lavet 22 Nov. 2024 med Legacy 10.0 fra MyHeritage.com; Ophavsret og vedligeholdelse af chr40@c.dk